Simple Songs. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Anthologies in which Sears Appears:
Brant, Beth, ed. Sinister Wisdom: A Gathering of Spirit: North American Indian Women's Issue, no. 22/23 (1983) 124-126.
Conlan, Faith, Rachel da Silva, and Barbara Wilson, eds. The Things That Divide Us: Stories by Women. Seal, 1985.
Zahava, Irene, ed. Hear the Silence: Stories by Women of Myth, Magic & Renewal. Crossing Press, 1986.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie, ed. Sinister Wisdom: Special Issue on Death, Healing, Mourning, and Illness, no. 32 (1987): 43-45, 122.
Allen, Paula Gunn, ed. Spider Woman's Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women. Ballantine Books, 1989.
Larkin, Joan, ed. Gay and Lesbian Poetry in Our Time (Stonewall Inn Editions). St. Martin's Griffin, 1989.
Lerner, Andrea, ed. Dancing on the Rim of the World: An Anthology of Contemporary Northwest Native American Writing (Sun Tracks, Vol 19). University of Arizona Press, 1990.
Corinne, Tee A., ed. Riding Desire: An Anthology of Erotic Writing. Banned Books, 1991.
Stavrakis, Katheryn, ed. Talking Leaves: Contemporary Native American Short Stories, introduction by Craig Lesley. Dell Publishing, 1991.
Riley, Patricia, ed. Growing Up Native American. William Morrow & Co, 1993.
Fife, Connie. The Colour of Resistance: A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women. Sister Vision, 1993.
Rochman, Hazel, and Darlene Z. McCampbell, eds. Leaving Home: Stories. HarperTeen, 1997.
Kothari, Geeta, ed. Did My Mama Like to Dance? and Other Stories about Mothers and Daughters. Avon Books, 1994.
Swann, Brian, and Arnold Krupat, eds. Here First: Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers (Modern Library Paperbacks). Random House Publishing Group, 2000.
Allen, Paula Gunn, and Carolyn Dunn, eds. Hozho: Walking in Beauty: Native American Stories of Inspiration, Humor, and Life. McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Other works:
“On the Healing Road.” The Women's Review of Books 9, no. 10/11 (1992): 7-8.
Secondary Works:
Herzog, Kristin. Review of Simple Songs, by Vickie Sears. MELUS 19, no. 4 (Winter 1994): 147-149.
Bibliography compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.