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Press Gang Publishers

Cameron, Karen, and Corrective Collective (Group). If He Didn’t Laugh, He’d Cry [an Excerpt from the Book “She "Named It Canada, Because That’s What It Was Called” by the Corrective Collective, Karen Cameron, and Others]. 3rd rev. edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1972
Vancouver Women’s Health Collective. A Vancouver Women’s Health Booklet. Press Gang Publishers, 1972.
Woman’s Place. A Vancouver Women’s Health Booklet. 2d edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1972.

Cameron, Karen, and Corrective Collective (Group). She Named It Canada, Because That’s What It Was Called. [By the Corrective Collective, Karen Cameron, and Others.]. 3rd rev. edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1973.
Cohen, Marcy, et al. Cuz There Ain’t No Daycare (or Almost None She Said): A Book About Daycare in B.C. Press Gang Publishers, 1973.

Frank, K. Portland. The Anti-Psychiatry Bibliography and Resource Guide. Press Gang Publishers, 1974.

Baker, Phyllis. Fishmarket & Other Poems. Press Gang Publishers, 1975.
Kellerhals-Stewart, Heather, and Karen Muntean. Muktu, the Backward Muskox. Press Gang Publishers, 1975.
Smith, Dorothy E., and Sara J. David. Women Look at Psychiatry. Press Gang Publishers, 1975.

Jankola, Beth. Jody Said. Press Gang Publishers, 1977.
Video Inn, and Satellite Video Exchange Society. Video Inn Videotape Catalogue. Press Gang Publishers, 1977.

Beebe, Janet, and Vancouver Status of Women. Update on the Status of Women in British Columbia. Press Gang Publishers, 1978.

Ainsworth, Jackie. An Account to Settle : The Story of the United Bank Workers. Press Gang Publishers, 1979.
Bank Book Collective (Vancouver, B.C.). An Account to Settle : The Story of the United Bank Workers (SORWUC). Press Gang Publishers, 1979.
Portland Frank, K. The Anti-Psychiatry Bibliography and Resource Guide: Second Edition, Revised & Expanded. 2nd rev. edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1979.

Berge, Marilyn. Common Ground: Stories by Women. Press Gang Publishers, 1980.
Diamond, Sara. Women’s Labour History in British Columbia: A Bibliography, 1930-1948. Press Gang Publishers, 1980.

Briskin, Linda, et al. The Day the Fairies Went on Strike! Press Gang Publishers, 1981.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1981.

Hughes, Nym, et al. Stepping out of Line: A Workbook on Lesbianism and Feminism. Press Gang Publishers, 1982.

Van de Walle, Elly. Falling from Grace. Press Gang Publishers, 1984.

Blackbridge, Persimmon, and Sheila Gilhooly. Still Sane. Press Gang Publishers, 1985.
Blackbridge, Persimmon and Sheila Gilhoody. Still Sane. Press Gang Publishers, 1985.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 8th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1985.

Ellis, Megan. Surviving Procedures after a Sexual Assault. 3rd edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1986.
Potrebenko, Helen. Sometimes They Sang. Press Gang Publishers, 1986.

Adelberg, Ellen. Too Few to Count: Canadian Women in Conflict with the Law. Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 11th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 11th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
Cohen, Marcy, et al. Taking Control of Our Future: Clerical Workers and New Technology. Press Gang Publishers, 1987.

Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. Large Print Book. 12th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 1988.
Chrystos. I Am Not Your Princess [an Excerpt from the Book “Not Vanishing”]. Press Gang Publishers, 1988.
Chrystos. Not Vanishing. Press Gang Publishers, 1988.

Jacob, Suzanne. Life, after All. Press Gang Publishers, 1989.
Women’s Research Centre (Vancouver, B.C.). Recollecting Our Lives : Women’s Experience of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Press Gang Publishers, 1989.

Brant, Beth. Food & Spirits: Stories by Beth Brant (Degonwadonti). Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 14th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Chrystos. Shame On. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Lee, Sky and Telling It Book Collective (Vancouver, B.C.). Telling It: Women and Language across Cultures. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Maracle, Lee. Sojourner’s Truth and Other Stories. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Warland, Betsy. Proper Deafinitions: Collected Theorograms. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Williams, Jana L. Scuttlebutt. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.

Arnott, Joanne. Wiles of Girlhood. Press Gang Publishers, 1991.
Chrystos. Dream On. Press Gang Publishers, 1991.
Stewart, Susan, et al. Drawing the Line : Lesbian Sexual Politics on the Wall. Press Gang Publishers, 1991.
Warland, Betsy, editor. InVersions : Writing by Dykes, Queers & Lesbians. Press Gang Publishers, 1991.

Arnott, Joanne. My Grass Cradle. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 17th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Creese, Gillian Laura, et al. British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Crossland, Jackie. Collateral Damage: The Tragedy of Medea. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
D’Anna, Lynnette. sing me no more. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Decter, Ann. Paper, Scissors, Rock. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Dueck, Lynnette. Sing Me No More. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Grossland, Jackie. Collateral Damage. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.

Adelberg, Ellen, and Claudia Currie. In Conflict with the Law: Women and the Canadian Justice System. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Chrystos. In Her I Am. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Faith, Karlene. Unruly Women: The Politics of Confinement and Resistance. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 2nd printing. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Mootoo, Shani. Out on Main Street & Other Stories. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1993.

Blackbridge, Persimmon, et al. Her Tongue on My Theory: Images, Essays and Fantasies. Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Bociurkiw, Marusya. The Woman Who Loved Airports: Stories and Narratives. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Kiss & Tell (Group of artists). Her Tongue on My Theory: Images, Essays and Fantasies. Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Lee, Sky. Bellydancer: Stories. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 4th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Silvera, Makeda. Her Head a Village and Other Stories. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Stonehouse, Cathy. The Words I Know. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1994.

Beckylane. Where the Rivers Join: A Personal Account of Healing from Ritual Abuse. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Chrystos. Fire Power. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Douglas, Marion K. Bending at the Bow. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Douglas, Marion K., et al. iction Sampler 1995 : Excerpts from Three Exciting New Novels. Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Fuller, Janine, et al. Restricted Entry: Censorship on Trial. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
McLaughlin, Karen. Choral: A Novel. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.

Blackbridge, Persimmon. Sunnybrook: A True Story with Lies. Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Decter, Ann. Honour: A Novel. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Lai, Larissa. When Fox Is a Thousand. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Maracle, Lee. I Am Woman: A Native Perspective on Sociology and Feminism. 2nd rev. edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Mootoo, Shani. Cereus Blooms at Night. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Richler, Nancy. Throwaway Angels. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.

Baxter, Sheila. Still Raising Hell: Poverty, Activism and Other True Stories. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Blackbridge, Persimmon. Prozac Highway: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Jones, Lizard. Two Ends of Sleep: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 5th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Nachman/Dykewomon, Elana. Beyond the Pale: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Norgate, Sheila. Storm Clouds over Party Shoes : Etiquette for the Ill-Bred Woman. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Shimrat, Irit. Call Me Crazy : Stories from the Mad Movement. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.

Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. Press Gang Publishers, 1998.
Coyote, Ivan E. Boys Like Her. Press Gang Publishers, 1998.
Tulchinsky, Karen X. Love Ruins Everything: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1998.
Wong, Rita. Monkeypuzzle: Poems. Press Gang Publishers, 1998.

Maracle, Lee. Sojourners and Sundogs First Nations Fiction. Press Gang Publishers, 1999.

Douglas, Marion K. Magic Eight Ball. Press Gang Publishers, 2000.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 6th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 2000.

Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 7th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 2001.

Krawczyk, Betty Shiver. Lock Me up or Let Me Go: The Protests, Arrest, and Trial of an Environmental Activist. Press Gang Publishers, 2002.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 8th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 2002.

Smith, Paul Thomas. High Seas & Quiet Harbors: The Life and Times of Thomas William Whitaker. Press Gang Publishers, 2016.

Compiled by Ruby Stefanucci