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Sister Vision Women of Color Press

Ovid, and Remo Giomini. Heroidas. 2nd edn., Sister Vision Press/ Roma, Italy: A. Signorelli, 1963.

Brand, Dionne. Earth Magic : Poetry for Young People. Sister Vision Press, 1983.

Mandiela, Ahdri Zhina.Speshal Rikwes. Sister Vision Press, 1985.

Bannerji, Himani. Doing Time: Poems. Sister Vision Press, 1986.

Ford-Smith, Honor, and Sistren (Organization). Lionheart Gal: Life Stories of Jamaican Women. Sister Vision Press, 1987.

Haniff, Nesha Z. Blaze a Fire: Significant Contributions of Caribbean Women. Sister Vision Press, 1988.

Gupta, Nila, and Makeda Silvera. The Issue Is ’Ism : Women of Colour Speak Out. Sister Vision Press, 1989.
Silvera, Makeda. Silenced: Talks with Working Class Caribbean Women About Their Lives and Struggles as Domestic Workers in Canada. 2nd rev. edn., Sister Vision Press, 1989.
Silvera, Makeda. Growing up Black: A Resource Manual for Black Youths. Sister Vision Press, 1989.

Braithwaite, Rella, and Tessa Benn-Ireland. Some Black Women: Profiles of Black Women in Canada. Sister Vision Press, 1990.
Espinet, Ramabai, and CAFRA (Association). Creation Fire: An Anthology of Caribbean Women Poets. Sister Vision Press, 1990.
Maracle, Sylvia. Onkwehonwe-Neha. Sister Vision Press, 1990.
Sears, Djanet. Afrika Solo. Sister Vision Press, 1990.

Bannerji, Himani. Coloured Pictures. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
De Haarte, Norma. Guyana Betrayal. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Espinet, Ramabai. Nuclear Seasons : Poems. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
International Task Force on Literacy. Words Are What I’ve Got: Writings by Learners from All around the World during International Literacy Year. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Keeshig, Lenore. Bineshiinh Dibaajmowin = Bird Talk. Illustrated by Polly Keeshig-Tobias, Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Maguire, Elizabeth Dianne Rose Kelvin. Dry Land Tourist and Other Stories. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Mandiela, Ahdri Zhina. Dark Diaspora--in Dub: A Dub Theatre Piece. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Prince, Althea, and Sasso. How the East Pond Got Its Flowers: A Story. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Silvera, Makeda. Piece of My Heart : A Lesbian of Colour Anthology. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Silvera, Makeda. Remembering G and other stories. Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Adisa, Opal Palmer. Tamarind and Mango Women: Poetry. Sister Vision Press, 1992.
Sister Vision: Black Women and Women of Colour Press. Spring/Fall Catalogue 1992/93. Sister Vision Press, 1992.

Bannerji, Himani. Returning the Gaze : Essays on Racism, Feminism and Politics. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Fife, Connie. The Colour of Resistance. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Harper, Maddie, and Carlos Freire. “Mush-Hole”: Memories of a Residential School. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Henderson, Peta, and Ann Bryn Houghton. Rising up: Life Stories of Belizean Women. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Montague, Masani. Dread Culture: A Rastawoman’s Story. Sister Vision Press, 1993.

Camper, Carol. Miscegenation Blues: Voices of Mixed Race Women. Sister Vision Press, 1994.
Gaikezheyongai, Sally, and Polly Keeshig-Tobias. The Seven Fires: An Ojibway Prophecy. Sister Vision Press, 1994.
Lee, C. Allyson, and Makeda Silvera. Pearls of Passion : A Treasury of Lesbian Erotica. Sister Vision Press, 1994.
Maracle, Sylvia, and Carlos Freire. Onkwehonwe-Neha : “Our Ways”. Sister Vision Press, 1994.

Bisexual Anthology Collective. Plural Desires: Writing Bisexual Women’s Realities. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Finney, Nikky. Rice: Poems. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Mordecai, Pamela. De Man: A Performance Poem. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Parameswaran, Uma, and University of Winnipeg. Names Resonant and Sweet: An Overview of South Asian Canadian Women’s Writing. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Silvera, Makeda. Black Girl Talk. Sister Vision Press, 1995.

Degale, Laurice. Down to Earth Jamaican Cooking. Sister Vision Press, 1996.
Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore, et al. Emma & the Trees = Emma Minwaah Mtigooh. Sister Vision Press, 1996.

Lim-Hing, Sharon. The Very inside: An Anthology of Writing by Asian and Pacific Islander Lesbian and Bisexual Women. Sister Vision Press, 1997.

Chow, Jose. Sunday Sunday. Sister Vision Press, 1998.

Cooper, Afua. Utterances and Incantations : Women, Poetry and Dub. Sister Vision Press, 1999.
Hernandez-Ramdwar, Camille, et al. Mercury Retrograde. Sister Vision Press, 1999.

Silvera, Makeda, and Stephanie Martin. Sapodilla: The Sister Vision Book of Lesbian Poetry. Sister Vision Press, 2000.

Compiled by Ruby Stefanucci