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Firebrand Books

Spring 1985
Brant, Beth. Mohawk Trail. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Galford, Ellen. Moll Cutpurse, Her True Story: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Parker, Pat. Jonestown & Other Madness, poetry. Firebrand Books, 1985.

Fall 1985
Cliff, Michelle. The Land of Look Behind: Prose and Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Segrest, Mab. My Mama's Dead Squirrel: Lesbian Essays on Southern Culture. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Walters, Anna Lee. The Sun is Not Merciful: Short Stories. Firebrand Books, 1985.

Spring 1986
Allison, Dorothy. The Women Who Hate Me. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Bulkin, Elly, Minnie Bruce Pratt, and Barbara Smith. Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Clardy, Andrea Fleck. Words to the Wise: A Writer's Guide to Feminist and Lesbian Periodicals & Publishers. Firebrand Books (Firebrand Sparks), 1986.
Clarke, Cheryl. Living As a Lesbian (Sapphic Classic). Firebrand Books, 1986.
Devries, Rachel Guido. Tender Warriors: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1986.

Fall 1986
Bechdel, Alison. Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Morales, Aurora Levins, and Rosario Morales. Getting Home Alive. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Newman, Leslea. Good Enough to Eat: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1986.

Spring 1987
Burford, Barbara. The Threshing Floor: Short Stories. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Cotrell, Georgia. Shoulders, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1987.
McDaniel, Judith. Sanctuary, a Journey, a memoir. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Randall, Margaret. This Is About Incest, a word and images Book. Firebrand Books, 1987.

Fall 1987
Spirited Women: A Wall Calendar. Firebrand Books, 1988.

Foster, Marion. The Monarchs are Flying: A novel. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Nestlé, Joan. A Restricted Country, essays. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Patton, Cindy, and Janis Kelly. Making It: A Woman's guide to Sex in the Age of AIDS Firebrand Books (Firebrand Sparks), 1987.
Pollack, Sandra, and Jeanne Vaughn, eds. Politics of the Heart: A Lesbian Parenting Anthology. Firebrand Books, 1987.

Spring 1988
Bechdel, Alison. More Dykes to Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Galford, Ellen. The Fires of Bride, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Lorde, Audre. A Burst of Light. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Newman, Leslea. A Letter to Harvey Milk: Short Stories. Firebrand Books, 1988.

Fall 1988
Allison, Dorothy. Trash: Short Stories. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Gossett, Hattie. Presenting...Sister NOblues. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Zipter, Yvonne. Diamonds are a Dyke's Best Friend: Reflections, Reminiscences, and Reports from the Field on the Lesbian National Pastime. Firebrand Books, 1988.

Spring 1989
Brant, Beth, ed. A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Lindau, Joan. Letting in the Night. Firebrand Books, 1989.
McDaniel, Judith. Metamorphosis: Reflections on Recovery. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Youngblood, Shay. The Big Mama Stories. Firebrand Books, 1989.

Fall 1989
1990 Dykes to Watch Out For Calendar.

Brand, Dionne. Sans Souci and other stories. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Clarke, Cheryl. Humid Pitch: Narrative Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Frye, Ellen. The Other Sappho: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Robson, Ruthann. Eye of a Hurricane: Stories. Firebrand Books, 1989.

Spring 1990
Bechdel, Alison. New, Improved!: Dykes to Watch Out for, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Falbel, Rita, Irena Klepfisz, and Donna Nevel, preface by Grace Paleyeds. Jewish Women's Call for Peace: A Handbook for Jewish Women on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict (Firebrand Sparks Pamphlet #3). Firebrand Books, 1990.
Freedman, Marcia. Exile in the Promised Land: A Memoir. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Sears, Vickie. Simple Songs, stories. Firebrand Books, 1990.

January 1990
Anderson, Shelley. Out in the World: International Lesbian Organizing (Firebrand Pamphlet). Firebrand Books, 1990.
Gayle, Marilyn. Free Ride, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Gould, Janie. Beneath my Heart: Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Parker, Pat. Movement in Black. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Crime Against Nature, poetry. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Rebellion: Essays 1980-1991. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Robson, Ruthann. Cecile: Stories. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Robson, Ruthann. Eye of a Hurricane: Stories. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Williams, Jana. Scuttlebutt: A Novel.. Firebrand Books, 1990.

Spring 1991
Allison, Dorothy. The Women Who Hate Me: Poetry 1980-1990. Firebrand Books, 1991.
Brant, Beth. Food & Spirits, stories. Firebrand Books, 1991.
Healy, Eloise Klein. Artemis in Echo Park, poetry. Firebrand Books, 1991.
McDaniel, Judith. Just say Yes: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1991.

Spring 1992
Bechdel, Alison. Dykes to Watch Out for: The Sequel: Added Attraction! Serial Monogamy: A Documentary, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Foster, Marion. Legal Tender: A Mystery. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Loewenstein, Andrea Freud. The Worry Girl: Stories from a Childhood. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Park, Severna. Speaking Dreams, science fiction. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Robson, Ruthann. Lesbian (Out)Law: Survival Under the Rule of Law. Firebrand Books, 1992.

Fall 1992
1993 Dykes To Watch Out For calendar (Published in July)

Katz, Judith. Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. We Say We Love Each Other, 2nd ed. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Walters, Anna Lee. Talking Indian: Reflections on Survival and Writing. Firebrand Books, 1992.

Spring 1993
Borich, Barrie Jean. Restoring the Color of Roses. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Clardy, Andrea Fleck. Words to the Wise: A Writer's Guide to Feminist and Lesbian Periodicals & Publishers (updated edition with Bright Yellow Cover). Firebrand Books, 1993.
Feinberg, Leslie. Stone Butch Blues, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Rushin, Kate. The Black Back-Ups: Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1993.

Fall 1993
1994 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar (July)

Alden, Joan. Before Our Eyes: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Bechdel, Alison. Spawn of Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Clarke, Cheryl. Experimental Love: Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Gomez, Jewelle. Forty-Three Septembers: Essays. Firebrand Books, 1993.

Spring 1994
Allison, Dorothy. Skin: Talking about Sex, Class, and Literature. Firebrand Books, 1994.
McMahon. Staying the Distance: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1994.
Smukler, Linda. Normal Sex. Firebrand Books, 1994.

Fall 1994
1995 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar

Cadora, Karen. Stardust Bound, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1994.
Rose, Wendy. Now Poof She is Gone, poetry. Firebrand Books, 1994.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Sister Safety Pin: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1994.

Spring 1995
Brenner, Claudia, and Hannah Ashley. Eight Bullets: One Woman's Story of Surviving Anti-Gay Violence. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. S/He. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Steingraber, Sandra. Post-Diagnosis. Firebrand Books, 1995.

Fall 1995
1996 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar

Bechdel, Alison. Unnatural Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Glamuzina, Julie, and Alison J. Laurie. Parker & Hulme: a Lesbian View, introduction by B. Ruby Rich. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Gomez, Jewelle. Oral Tradition: Selected Poems Old & New. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Koger, Catherine. Horseshoe Sky: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1995.

Fall 1996
1997 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar

Levin, Jennifer. Love and Death & Other Disasters: Stories 1977-1995. Firebrand Books, 1996.
Mirosevich, Toni. The Rooms We Make Our Own. Firebrand Books, 1996.
Scholder, Amy, ed. Cookin' with Honey, What Literary Lesbians Eat. Firebrand Books, 1996.

Spring 1997
Bechdel, Alison. Hot, Throbbing Dykes to Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Hucklenbroich, Frankie. A Crystal Diary: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Katz, Judith. The Escape Artist, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1997.

Fall 1997
LaFavor, Carole. Evil Dead Center, a mystery. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Moraga, Cherrie. Waiting in the Wings: Portrait of a Queer Motherhood. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Wilchins, Riki Anne. Read My Lips: Sexual Subversion and the End of Gender. Firebrand Books, 1997.

Spring 1998
Bechdel, Alison. The Indelible Alison Bechdel: Confessions, Comix, and Miscellaneous Dykes to Watch Out For. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Clarke, Caro. The Wolf Ticket: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Gomez, Jewelle. Don't Explain, short fiction. Firebrand Books, 1998.

Fall 1998
Bechdel, Alison. Split-Level Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Brownrigg, Elizabeth. Falling to Earth: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Karlsberg, Michele, and Karen X. Tulchinsky, eds. To Be Continued. . . . Firebrand Books, 1998.

Spring 1999
Allegra, Donna, Angela Y. Davis, Toi Derricotte, Jewelle Gomez, Audre Lorde, Michelle Parkerson, Ann Allen Shockley, Barbara Smith, Pamela Sneed, and Evelyn C. White. Celebrations/Remembrances/Tributes. Firebrand Books, 1999.
Karlsberg, Michele, and Karen X. Tulchinsky, eds. To Be Continued: Take Two. Firebrand Books, 1999.
Livia, Anna. Bruised Fruit: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1999.
Parker, Pat. Movement in Black, introduction by Cheryl Clarke. Firebrand Books, 1999.