Individual Writers

Born to a Lebanese American father and a Laguna Pueblo-Sioux mother in Albuquerque in 1939, Paula Gunn Allen was an American writer whose poems, scholarly work, and novels explored the intersectionality of feminism, sexuality, and Native American heritage.

Allen, Paula Gunn (More)

Dorothy Allison is an American writer from South Carolina whose writing focuses on class struggle, sexual abuse, child abuse, feminism and lesbianism.

Allison, Dorothy (More)

June Arnold was an American novelist and publisher.

Arnold, June (More)

Beth Brant, 1941-2015, is a poet and essayist from Ontario, Canada. As a Mohawk woman, she also went by the names Degonwadonti and Kaieneke'hak. Her works center around lesbianism, domestic violence, and racial tensions for native representation.

Brant, Beth (More)

Born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised in New York, Michelle Cliff was a Jamaican-American writer whose short stories, novels, and essays explored race, gender, sexuality, and post-colonialism.

Cliff, Michelle (More)

Joan Drury was an American novelist, book publisher, book seller, and philanthropist.

Drury, Joan (More)

Leslie Feinberg was an American butch lesbian, transgender activist, communist, and author. Feinberg authored Stone Butch Blues in 1993.

Feinberg, Leslie (More)

Author of Such is My Beloved

Hales, Carol (More)

Terri Lynn Jewell was an American author, poet and Black lesbian activist.

Jewell, Terri L. (More)

Cherríe Moraga is a Chicana writer, feminist activist, poet, essayist, and playwright.

Moraga, Cherrie (More)

Joan Nestle is a Lambda Award winning writer and editor and a founder of the Lesbian Herstory Archives, which holds, among other things, everything she has ever written.

Nestle, Joan (More)

Author of Call Me Lesbian: Lesbian Lives, Lesbian Theory

Penelope, Julia (More)

Author of In This Morning

Scott, Claudia (More)

Author of I am a Lesbian

Sela, Lora (More)

Kitty Tsui is a Cantonese-American author, poet, actor, and bodybuilder.

Tsui, Kitty (More)

Born in Colombia and raised in Miami, Florida, tatiana de la tierra was a bilingual and bicultural writer, exploring issues of Latina identity, sexuality, and social activism.

de la Tierra, Tatiana (More)

Allen, Paula Gunn

Born to a Lebanese American father and a Laguna Pueblo-Sioux mother in Albuquerque in 1939, Paula Gunn Allen was an American writer whose poems, scholarly work, and novels explored the intersectionality of feminism, sexuality, and Native American heritage. She earned a BA in English and an MFA in writing at the University of Oregon and a Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico. Paula Gunn Allen was one of the leading voices in Native American literature and the contemporary women’s spirituality movement. In addition to writing, she taught English, Creative Writing, and American Indian Studies at the University of California. She died in 2008 at the age of 68.

Blind Lion. Thorp Springs Press, 1974.
Coyote’s Daylight Trip. La Confluencia, 1978.
A Cannon Between my Knees. Strawberry Press, 1981.
Star Child. Blue Cloud Quarterly, 1981.
Studies in American Indian Literature: Critical Essays and Course Designs. Modern Language Association of America, 1983.
Shadow Country. University of California Press, 1984.
The Woman Who Owned the Shadows. Spinsters, Ink., 1984.
The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions. Beacon Press, 1986.
Wyrds. Taurean Horn Press, 1987.
Skins and Bones. West End Press, 1988.
Spider Woman’s Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women. Beacon Press, 1989.
Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook. Beacon Press, 1991.
Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature. New York: Ballantine Books, 1994.
As Long as the Rivers Flow: The Stories of Nine Native Americans. Scholastic, 1996.
Song of the Turtle: American Indian Literature, 1974-1994. Ballantine Books, 1996.
Life is a Fatal Disease: Selected Poems, 1962-1995. West End Press, 1997.
Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Bustin, Border-Crossing Loose Canons. Beacon Press, 1998.
Hozho – Walking in Beauty: Native American Stories of Inspiration, Humor, and Life. Lowell House, 2001.
Pocahontas: Medicine Woman, Spy, Entrepreneur, Diplomat. HarperSanFrancisco, 2003.
America the Beautiful: Last Poems. West End Press, 2010.

“Judy Grahn: Gathering of the Tribe.” Contact II 5, no. 27/28/29 (1983).
“Kochinnenako in Academe: Three Approaches to Interpreting a Keres Indian Tale.” In Feminisms, Rutgers University Press, 1991.
"Quièn Es Que Anda?" Chicago Review 39, no. 3/4 (1993): 24-26. doi:10.2307/25305710.
“Where I Come From is Like This.” Feminist Frontiers, no. 3 (1993).
“‘Border Studies: The Intersection of Gender and Color.” In The Ethnic Canon: Histories, Institutions, and Interventions, edited by David Palumbo-Liu. University of Minnesota Press, 1995.
Wong, Hertha Dawn, Lauren Muller, and Jana Sequoya Magdaleno. "Burned Alive in the Blues.” Reckonings: Contemporary Short Fiction by Native American Women Oxford University Press, 2008.

Paula Gunn Allen's Work in Anthologies, Encyclopedias, and Journals:
“Lament of my Father, Lakota.” In Voices from Wah `Kon-Tah: Contemporary Poetry of Native Americans, edited by Robert K. Dodge and Joseph B. McCullough. International Publishers, 1974.
"Two Poems." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 6, no. 3 (1981): 62-63. doi:10.2307/3346217.
“Tough Love.” In Earth Power Coming: Short Fiction in Native American Literature, edited by Simon J. Ortiz. Navajo Community College Press, 1983.
“Angry Women are Building: Issues and Struggles Facing Native American Women.” In All American Women: Lines that Divide, Ties that Bind, Free Press, 1986.
"The Warrior." Feminist Studies 14, no. 3 (1988): 428-29. doi:10.2307/3178052.
“Grandmother of the Sun.” In Weaving the Visions: New Patterns in Feminist Spirituality, edited by Judith Plaskow and Carol P. Christ. Harper & Row, 1989.
“Deer Woman.” In Talking Leaves: Contemporary Native American Short Stories, edited by Craig Lesley and Katheryn Stavrakis. Laurel, 1991.
“They Make Their Climb.” In Women’s Friendships: A Collection of Short Stories, edited by Susan Koppelman. University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
"Glastonbury Experience." Religion & Literature 26, no. 1 (1994): 81-87.
“Who is Your Mother?: Red Roots of White Feminism.” In From Different Shores: Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity in America, edited by Ronald T. Takaki. Oxford University Press, 1994.
"Essentially, It's Spring." Studies in American Indian Literatures 7, no. 4 (1995): 87.
“The Sacred Hoop: A Contemporary Perspective.” In The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology, edited by Teresa Shewry, Cheryll Glotfelty, and Harold Fromm. University of Georgia Press, 1996.
“Going Home, December 1992.” In Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writing of North America, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird. W.W. Norton & Co., 1997.
“Sacred Shoes; Kopis’taya (A Gathering of Spirits).” In The Serpent’s Tongue: Prose, Poetry, and Art of the New Mexico Pueblos, edited by Nancy C. Wood. Dutton Books, 1997.
“Rant for Old Teachers.” In Wise Women: Reflections of Teachers at Midlife, edited by Phyllis R. Freeman and Jan Zlotnik Schmidt. Routledge, 2000.
“Special Problems in Teaching Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony.” In Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: A Casebook, edited by Allan Richard Chavkin. Oxford University Press, 2002.
“The Savages in the Mirror: Phantoms and Fantasies in America.” In Eating Fire, Tasting Blood: Breaking the Great Silence of the American Indian Holocaust, edited by MariJo Moore. Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2006.
“Grandmother.” In The Penguin Anthology of Twentieth-Century American Poetry, edited by Rita Dove. Penguin Books, 2011.

Critical Work about Paula Gunn Allen:
Jahner, Elaine. "Climbing a Sacred Ladder: Technique in the Poetry of Paula Gunn Allen." Studies in American Indian Literatures 7, no. 3 (1983): 76-80.
Ruppert, Jim. "Paula Gunn Allen and Joy Harjo: Closing the Distance between Personal and Mythic Space." American Indian Quarterly 7, no. 1 (1983): 27-40. doi:10.2307/1183880.
Mills, Ralph J. "Paula Gunn Allen's New Poems." Studies in American Indian Literatures 10, no. 1 (1986): 63-67.
TallMountain, Mary. "Paula Gunn Allen's ‘The One Who Skins Cats’: An Inquiry into Spiritedness." Studies in American Indian Literatures 5, no. 2 (1993): 34-38.
Babb, Genie. "Paula Gunn Allen's Grandmothers: Toward a Responsive Feminist-Tribal Reading of "Two Old Women."" American Indian Quarterly 21, no. 2 (1997): 299-320. doi:10.2307/1185649.
Lupack, Barbara Tepa. American Literature 69, no. 2 (1997): 428-29. doi:10.2307/2928287
Prince-Hughes, Tara. "Contemporary Two-Spirit Identity in the Fiction of Paula Gunn Allen and Beth Brant." Studies in American Indian Literatures 10, no. 4 (1998): 9-32.
Toohey, Michelle Campbell. "Paula Gunn Allen's Grandmothers of the Light: Falling through the Void." Studies in American Indian Literatures 12, no. 3 (2000): 35-51.
Van Dyke, Annette. "A Tribute to Paula Gunn Allen (1939-2008)." Studies in American Indian Literatures, Series 2, 20, no. 4 (2008): 68-75.

Book Reviews:
Jahner, Elaine. Review of Shadow Country, by Paula Gunn Allen. American Indian Quarterly 7, no. 1 (1983): 84-86. doi:10.2307/1183883.
Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown. Review of The Woman Who Owned Shadows: The Autobiography of Ephanie Atencio, by Paula Gunn Allen. Studies in American Indian Literatures 7, no. 3 (1983): 65-69.
Cliff, Michelle. "Review: Journey of the Spirit." Review of The Woman Who Owned the Shadows, by Paula Allen Gunn. The Women's Review of Books 1, no. 6 (1984): 8. doi:10.2307/4019411.
Schoeler, Bo. Review of The Woman Who Owned the Shadows, by Paula Gunn Allen. Studies in American Indian Literatures 9, no. 4 (1985): 143-147.
Berner, Robert L. Review of Spider Woman’s Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women, by Paula Gunn Allen. World Literature Today 64, no. 2 (1990): 344-45. doi:10.2307/40146565.
Milspaw, Yvonne J. Review of The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions, by Paula Gunn Allen. The Journal of American Folklore 103, no. 408 (1990): 245-47. doi:10.2307/541875.
Hans, Birgit. Review of Paula Gunn Allen. Western Writers Series, Number 96, by Elizabeth I. Hanson. Studies in American Indian Literatures 3, no. 3 (1991): 86-88.
Van Dyke, Annette. Review of Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook, by Paula Gunn Allen. NWSA Journal 4, no. 2 (1992): 259-60.
Berner, Robert L. Review of Life is a Fatal Disease: Collected Poems 1962-1995, by Paula Gunn Allen. World Literature Today 71, no. 3 (1997): 631. doi:10.2307/40152971.

Cliff, Michelle, Tacie Dejanikus, and Loie Hayes. "Interview: Claiming an Identity: An Interview with Michelle Cliff." Off Our Backs 11, no. 6 (1981): 18-20.
Ballinger, Franchot, Brian Swann, and Paul Gunn Allen. "A MELUS Interview: Paula Gunn Allen." MELUS 10, no. 2 (1983): 3-25. doi:10.2307/467306.
Purdy, John, and Paula Gunn Allen. ""And Then, Twenty Years Later…": A Conversation with Paula Gunn Allen." Studies in American Indian Literatures 9, no. 3 (1997): 5-16.
Braxton, Joanne M., and Paula Gunn Allen. "Pocahontas' Voice: A Conversation with Paula Gunn Allen." The Women's Review of Books 21, no. 8 (2004): 13. doi:10.2307/4024389.

Lifetime Achievement Award – Popular and American Culture Associations, 1900.
Native American Prize for Literature, 1990.
Hubbell Medal for Lifetime Achievement in American Literary Studies – Modern Language Association, 1999.
Lannan Foundation Fellowship, 2007.

Bibliography compiled by Zane DeZeeuw, May 2017

Allison, Dorothy

The Women Who Hate Me. New York: Long Haul Press, 1983.

Trash. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1988.

The Women Who Hate Me: Poetry, 1980-1990. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1991.

Bastard Out of Carolina. New York: Dutton, 1992. (Paperback edition from Plume, 1993.)

Skin: Talking about Sex, Class, & Literature. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1994.

Two or Three Things I Know for Sure. New York: Dutton, 1995.

Cavedweller. New York: Dutton, 1998.

Allison's work has been translated into multiple languages with numerous editions. These editions are not enumerated here.

Arnold, June


Applesauce. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.

Baby Houston. Austin: Texas Monthly Press, 1987.

The Cook and the Carpenter: A Novel by the Carpenter. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973 (This book was originally published with the authorial assignation “the carpenter.”)

Sister Gin. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1975.

Sister Gin. “Afterword” by Jane Marcus. New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1989.


"Consciousness-Raising" in Women's Liberation: Blueprint for the Future, compiled by Sookie Stambler. New York: Ace Books, 1970: 155-160.

“Feminist Presses and Feminist Politics.” Quest 3 (Summer 1976).

“Lesbian Fiction: A Dialogue.” With Bertha Harris. Sinister Wisdom (July 1975).

“Small Presses: Fine Print.” off our backs 5 (November 1975): 17.

About June Arnold

Cottrell, Debbie Mauldin. “Arnold, June Fairfax Davis.” Handbook of Texas Online (, accessed March 29, 2013. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.

Kelly, Janis. “June Arnold.” off our backs April 1982).

Lowry, Beverly. “June.” In Baby Houston by June Arnold. Austin: Texas Monthly Press, 1987.

Marcus, Jane. “Bringing up Baby.” Women’s Review of Books 5 (October 1987).

Morgan, Ellen. “The Feminist Novels of Androgynous Fantasy.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 2 (Fall 1977).

Sears, James Thomas. Rebels, Rubyfruit, and Rhinestones: Queering Space in the Stonewall South.” In chapter 22, “Breaking Silences,” among others. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2001.

Van Ausdall, Mimi Susan Iimuro. “Novel Forms: Race, Class, and Revolution in the Novels of June Arnold and Sharon Isabell.” Chapter 3 in her PhD dissertation Writing Revolution in the 1970s. University of Iowa, 2007.

Zahava, Irene, ed. My Mother’s Daughter. Includes excerpt from Baby Houston. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1991.

Compiled by Joanna Cattonar

Beaver, Susan

Anthologies in which Beaver Appears:
Piece of My Heart: A Lesbian of Colour Anthology. Sister Vision, 1991.
The Colour of Resistance: A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women. Sister Vision, 1993.

Bibliography compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Brant, Beth

Beth Brant, 1941-2015, is a poet and essayist from Ontario, Canada. As a Mohawk woman, she also went by the names Degonwadonti and Kaieneke'hak. Her works center around lesbianism, domestic violence, and racial tensions for native representation.

Mohawk Trail. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Food & Spirits. Firebrand Books, 1991.
Testimony from the Faithful. 2003.

Anthologies Authored by Brant and in which Brant Appears:
Bruchac, Joseph, ed. Songs from This Earth on Turtle's Back: Contemporary American Indian Poetry. Greenfield Review Press, 1983.
Brant, Beth, ed. A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women. Firebrand Books, 1984.
Piercy, Marge, ed. Early Ripening: Poetry by Women. Pandora Books, 1987.
Roscoe, Will, ed. Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian Anthology. St. Martin's Press, 1988.
Bruchac, Joseph, ed. New Voices from the Longhouse: An Anthology of Contemporary Iroquois Writing. Greenfield Review Press, 1989.
Lesbian Writing and Publishing Collective, ed. Dykewords: An Anthology of Lesbian Writing. Women's Press, 1990.
Barrington, Judith, ed. An Intimate Wilderness: Lesbian Writers on Sexuality. Eighth Mountain Press, 1991.
Brant, Beth, ed. Writing as Witness: Essay and Talk. Women's Press, 1994.
Brant, Beth, ed. I'll Sing `til the Day I Die: Conversations with Tyendinaga Elders. Toronto: McGilligan Books, 1995.

Brant, Beth. "Grandmothers of a New World." IKON 8 (Spring 1990): 48-60.
Brant, Beth. "Giveaway: Native Lesbian Writers." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 18 (Summer 1993): 944-947.
Brant, Beth. "The Good Red Road: Journeys of Homecoming in Native Women's Writing." American Indian Culture and Research Journal 21, no. 1 (1997): 193-206.

Critical Work about Brant:
Frances, Anne Day. Lesbian and Gay Voices: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Literature for Children and Young Adults. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.
Cullum, Linda E. Contemporary American Ethnic Poets: Lives, Works, Sources. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004.
Byron, Glennis and Andrew J. Sneddon. The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Rodopi, 2008.
Kostić, Milena and Vesna Lopičić. "'I will not cease to be': Voicing the Alternative in Beth Brant's 'A Long Story.'" The Central European Journal of Canadian Studies 8, no. 1 (2012): 23-30.
Sonneborn, Liz. A to Z of American Indian Women. Infobase Publishing, 2014.
Womack, Craig S. Art as Performance, Story as Criticism. University of Oklahoma Press, 2014.

Reviews of Brant's Work:
Jaskoski, Helen. Review of Mohawk Trail, by Beth Brant. Explorations in Sights and Sounds 9, no. 1. (1989): 9-10.
Johnson, Lisa N. Review of Food and Spirits, by Beth Brant. GLTF Newsletter 3, no. 4. (1991): 6.
Danielson, Linda L. Review of Mohawk Trail, by Beth Brant. Studies in American Indian Literatures 5, no. 1. (1993): 103-107.
Justice, Daniel Heath. "Daniel Heath Justice recommends Writing as Witness by Beth Brant." Review of Writing as Witness, by Beth Brant. Jane van Koeverden, ed. CBC Books, 2017.

"Beth Brant" under Poets , Poetry Foundation,

Cameron, Barbara

Anthologies in which Cameron appears:
Brant, Beth, ed. A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women. Firebrand Books, 1984.
Roscoe, Will, ed. Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian Anthology. St. Martin’s Griffin, 1988.
Vida, Ginny, ed. Our Right to Love: A Lesbian Resource Book. Touchstone Books, 1996.
Ore, Tracy E. The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality. 7th ed. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Moraga, Cherríe, and Gloria Anzaldúa, eds. This Bridge Called My Back, Fortieth Anniversary Edition: Writings by Radical Women of Color. State University of New York Press, 2022.

Archival materials:
Cameron, Barbara M. 2003. “Barbara Cameron Papers, 1968-2003.”

Compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Clark, Terri

Terri Clark wrote many articles in the 1970s for off our backs and was a member of the Washington, DC lesbian community.

Cliff, Michelle

Born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised in New York, Michelle Cliff was a Jamaican-American writer whose short stories, novels, and essays explored race, gender, sexuality, and post-colonialism. She received her BA in European History from Warner College and her Master of Philosophy at the Warburg Institute. Cliff worked at Time-Life Books, W.W. Norton, and held positions at various colleges. Cliff died in 2016 at the age of 69, just two years after her partner, Adrienne Rich, passed away.


Claiming an Identity They Taught Me to Despise. Watertown: Persephone Press, 1980.
Abeng: A Novel. Trumansburg: Crossing Press, 1984.
The Land of Look Behind: Prose and Poetry. Ithaca: Firebrand Books, 1985.
No Telephone to Heaven. New York: Dutton, 1987.
Bodies of Water. New York: Dutton, 1990.
Free Enterprise. New York: Dutton, 1993.
The Store of a Million Items: Stories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
If I Could Write This in Fire. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008.
Into the Interior. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.
Everything is Now: New and Collected Stories. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.

"Object Into Subject: Some thoughts on the Work of Black Women Artists." Heresies. 1983.
"Clare Savage as a Crossroads Character." Caribbean Women Writers: Essays from the First International Conference. 1990.
"History as Fiction, Fiction as History." Ploughshares 20, no. 2/3 (1994): 196-202.
"Colonial Girl: and What Would it be Like." Sex and the Citizen: Interrogating the Caribbean. 2011.


“Notes on Speechlessness.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 5. 1978.
“Anonymity and the Denial of the Self.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 9, 1979.
“A Review of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Joan Gibbs.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 13, 1980.
“Notes on a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 17, 1981.
“Marking Soul, Creating Alchemy: a review of This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Colour.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 19, 1982.
“If I could Write this in Fire, I would Write this in Fire” in Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology, edited by Barbara Smith. New York: Kitchen Table – Women of Color Press, 1983.
“Sister/Outsider: Some Thoughts on Simone Weil” in Between Women: Biographers, Novelists, Critics, Teachers, and Artists Write About Their Work on Women, edited by Carol Ascher, Louise A. DeSalvo, and Sara Ruddick. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984.
“A Journey Into Speech; If I could Write this in Fire, I would Write This in Fire” in Multi-Cultural Literacy, edited by Rick Simonson and Scott Walker. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press, 1988.
“Clare Savage as a Crossroads Character” in Caribbean Women Writers: Essays from the First International Conference, edited by Selwyn Reginald Cudjoe. Wellesley: Calaloux Publications, 1990.
“Object into Subject: Some Thoughts on the work of Black Women Artists” in Making Face, Making Soul = Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color, edited by Gloria Anzaldúa. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Foundation Books, 1990.
“Columba” in Green Cane and Juicy Flotsam: Short Stories by Caribbean Women, edited by Carmen C Esteves and Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1991.
“Screen Memory” in Calling the Wind: Twentieth Century African-American Short Stories, edited by Clarence Major. New York: HarperPerennial, 1993.
“A History of Costume” in The Oxford Book of Women’s Writing in the United States, edited by Linda Wagner-Martin and Cathy N. Davidson, 301-304. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
“Columba” in Ancestral House: The Black Short Story in the Americas and Europe, edited by Charles H Rowell. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995.
“Within the Veil; Columba” in The Norton Anthology of African American Literature, edited by Henry Louis Gates Nellie Y. McKay. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1996. (also 1997, 2004)
“Transactions” in The Best American Short Stories, 1997: Selected from U.S. and Canadian Magazines, edited by Annie Proulx and Katrina Kenison. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.
“Excerpt from Abeng” in The Whistling Bird: Women Writers of the Caribbean, edited by Elaine Campbell and Pierrette M Frickey. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.
“Ecce Homo” in Black Like Us: A Century of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual African American Fiction 2000, edited by Devon W. Carbado, Dwight A McBride, Donald Weise, and Evelyn C White. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2002.
“Women’s Work” in Poems from the Women’s Movement, edited by Honor Moore. New York: Library of America, 2009.

Critical Work about Cliff:
Smith, Sidonie and Julia Watson. “Of Mangoes and Maroons: Language, History, and the Multicultural Subject of Michelle Cliff’s Abeng” in De/Colonizing the Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women’s Autobiography. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992.
Aegerter, Lindsay Pentolfe. "Michelle Cliff and the Paradox of Privilege." College English 59, no. 8 (1997): 898-915. doi:10.2307/378298.
Chancy, Myriam J. A. “Remembering Ourselves: The Power of the Erotic in Works by Audre Lorde, Rosa Guy, and Michelle Cliff; Exile, Resistance, Home: Retelling History in the Writings of Michelle Cliff and Marie Chauvet” in Searching for Safe Spaces: Afro-Caribbean Women Writers in Exile. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997.
Rody, Caroline. “Decolonizing Jamaica’s Daughter: Learning History in the Novels of Michelle Cliff” in The Daughter’s Return: African-American and Caribbean Women’s Fictions of History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Ilmonen, Kaisa. “Creolizing the Queer: Close Encounters of Race and Sexuality in the Novels of Michelle Cliff.” Close Encounters of an Other Kind: New Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity and American Studies, 2005.
Fenton, Jocelyn Stitt. “Gendered Legacies of Romantic Nationalism in the Works of Michelle Cliff.” Small Axe: A Journal of Criticism, no. 24 (2007): 52-72.
Maisier, Veronique. “Representations of History in Michelle Cliff’s and Patrick Chamoiseau’s Novels.” Journal of West Indian Literature vol. 20, no. 1 (2011). 51-69.

Book Reviews of Cliff's Work:
Gomez, Jewelle. "Coming of Age in Jamaica." The Women's Review of Books 1, no. 8 (1984): 5-6. doi:10.2307/4019482.
Smilowitz, Erika J. "Tales of the Caribbean." The Women's Review of Books 5, no. 2 (1987): 13-14. doi:10.2307/4020090.
Scales-Trent, Judy. "Produced and Abandoned." The Women's Review of Books 7, no. 12 (1990): 15. doi:10.2307/4020846.
McDowell, Deborah. "Taking Liberties with History." The Women's Review of Books 11, no. 10/11 (1994): 32-33. doi:10.2307/4021882.

Cliff, Michelle, Tacie Dejanikus, and Loie Hayes. "Interview: Claiming an Identity: An Interview with Michelle Cliff." Off Our Backs 11, no. 6 (1981): 18-20.
Schwartz, Meryl F., and Michelle Cliff. "An Interview with Michelle Cliff." Contemporary Literature 34, no. 4 (1993): 595-619. doi:10.2307/1208803.
Judith Raiskin, and Michelle Cliff. "The Art of History: An Interview with Michelle Cliff." The Kenyon Review 15, no. 1 (1993): 57-71.
Adisa, Opal Palmer. "Journey into Speech-A Writer between Two Worlds: An Interview with Michelle Cliff." African American Review 28, no. 2 (1994): 273-81. doi:10.2307/3041999.

Lindfors, Bernth and Reinhard Sander. “Michelle Cliff” in Twentieth-Century Caribbean and Black African Writers. Detroit: Gale Research, 1996.
Novak, Terry “Michelle Cliff” in Contemporary African American Novelists: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Emmanuel S Nelson. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1999.
Hogeland, Lisa Maria and Mary Klages“Michelle Cliff 1946” in The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers, edited by Lisa Maria Hogeland and Mary Klages. Edition: First Edition, 2004.
Basu, Lopamudra “Michelle Cliff” in Encyclopedia of African American Women Writers, edited by Yolanda Williams Page. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2007.

Michelle Cliff papers, 1982-1994. MS 3242. Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.

Michelle Cliff archive at Spelman College.
Items of note:
complete set of all the different editions of Michelle Cliff's books, including some bound galleys and translations
family and childhood photographs
six U.S. passports, issued 1968, '73, '78, '83, '93, '04
Michelle Cliff's diplomas from high school, college, and grad school at the Warburg Institute
M. Phil dissertation from Warburg on renaissance history
misc. papers relating to a visit by Queen Elizabeth at the Warburg Institute including two photos of the Queen with E.H. Gombrich
letter of recommendation by E.H. Gombrich, letter of recommendation by Gene Farmer at TimeLife Books
digital files of drafts of stories and translations from Cliff's laptop
a short typescript (unexamined) that may be a collection of talks and lectures and may be an original unpublished work
posters related to Cliff's public lectures
ephemera and decorative items from Cliff's study
framed letter from Ann Petry to Michelle Cliff
books related to art history, Caribbean studies, African American history, some signed by the authors, or inscribed to Michelle Cliff (including the Handbook of Black Librarianship signed by Ann Allen Shockley)

Bibliography Compiled by Zane DeZeeuw. May 2017

Cornwell, Anita


Black Lesbian in White America (Naiad Press, 1983)
The Girls of Summer (young-adult novel, 1989)


"Pat Parker Poet from San Francisco," Hera, Volume 1, Issue 4 (June 1975).
"The Black Lesbian in a Malevolent Society," Dyke: A Quarterly, 1977.

Day, Sharon

Alexander, M. Jacqui, Lisa Albrecht, Sharon Day, and Mab Segrest, eds. Sing, Whisper, Shout, Pray!: Feminist Visions for a Just World. Edgework Books, 2005.

Anthologies in which Day appears:
Funk, Mason. The Book of Pride: LGBTQ Heroes Who Changed the World. HarperOne, 2019.
Bates, John. Women and Water: Woven Portraits from Around the World. Manitowish River Press, 2023.

Critical Work about Day:
Suagee, Nancy Hawkins, Sharon Day. June 1993. American Indian Women’s Chemical Health Project : A Research Project Conducted by and Funded by the American Indian Section, Chemical Dependency Division, Department of Human Services, State of Minnesota. Minnesota Department of Human Services, Chemical Dependency Division, American Indian Section, St. Paul, Minn., 1993.
Morcillo, Aurora G. Review of Sing, Whisper, Shout, Pray!: Feminist Visions for a Just World, and: This Bridge We Call Home: Radical Visions for Transformation. by Sharon Day. NWSA Journal 17 no. 1 (2005): 233-235.

Performance Work:
Miguel, Muriel, Day, Sharon, Ratell, Deborah, Hibble, Stephanie, Coatlicue Theater Company, Spiderwoman Theatre, Native Youth Theater Group, American Indian Community House. "Our Honor, Our Pride." American Indian Community House, 1992. Video, 65 min.

Toskey, Nan. 1989. Honored by the Moon. United States of America: Women Make Movies.
“Mother Earth Walkers.” 51% Show, WAMC Public Radio, May 10, 2013. Audio, 25:00.
“Knowing the Mississippi.” Open Rivers: Rethinking Water Place & Community, no.1. (2015): 29.
"Sharon Day on Caring for Ojibwe People with HIV Since the 1980s." Interview by Terri Wilder. HIV Resources for Women, The Body, March 20, 2020.

Compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Drury, Joan

Drury, Joan M. The Other Side of Silence. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.

Drury, Joan M. Silent Words. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.

Drury, Joan M. Closed in Silence. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.

Drury, Joan M. Those Jordan Girls. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.

Feinberg, Leslie

Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come. New York, NY: World View Forum, 1992.
Stone Butch Blues. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1993. (Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2003.)
Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman. Beacon Press, 1996.
Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1998
Drag King Dreams. New York, NY: Carrol and Graf, 2006.

Rainbow Solidarity: In Defense of Cuba. New York, NY: World View Forum, 2008.

Fife, Connie

Beneath the Naked Sun. Sister Vision Press, 1992.
Speaking Through Jagged Rock. Broken Jaw Press, 1999.
Poems for a New World. Ronsdale Press, 2001.

Books Edited by Fife:
The Colour of Resistance: A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women. Sister Vision Press, 1993.

Anthologies in which Fife Appears:
Silvera, Mikeda. Piece of My Heart: A Lesbian of Colour Anthology. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Moses, Daniel David, and Terry Goldie. An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Bruchac, Joseph Returning the Gift: Poetry and Prose from the First North American Native Writers' Festival (Sun Tracks, Vol 29). University of Arizona Press, 1994.
Powell, Allan Kent, ed. Utah History Encyclopedia. University of Utah Press, 1994.
Bird, Gloria and Joy Harjo, eds. Reinventing the Enemy's Language: Contemporary Native Women's Writings of North America. W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.

Bibliography compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Galford, Ellen

Moll Cutpurse (novel) (Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1985).

The Fires of Bride, a Novel (Ithaca NY: Firebrand Books, 1988)

Queendom Come (London, UK: Virago, 1990)

The Dyke and the Dybbuk (London, UK: Virago, 1993; Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1994).

Grieves, Catron

Anthologies in which Grieves appears:
Bruchac, Joseph, ed. Aniyunwiya/Real Human Beings: An Anthology of Contemporary Cherokee Prose. Greenfield Review Press, 1995.
Bird, Gloria and Joy Harjo, eds. Reinventing the Enemy's Language: Contemporary Native Women's Writings of North America. W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.

Compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Hales, Carol

Wind Woman. Woodford Press, 1953.

Such is My Beloved. Reprint of Wind Woman.

The author was also known as Lora Sela and wrote "I Am a Lesbian" under that name.

Hall, Elaine

Periodicals in which Hall appears:
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Michaele and Melanie Uccella, eds. Sinister Wisdom, no. 25 (1984): 5-11.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie, ed. Sinister Wisdom, no. 28 (1985): 82.

Anthologies in which Hall appears:
Brant, Beth, ed. A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women. Firebrand Books, 1984.
Multi-ethnic Gay and Lesbian Exchange Collection. ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives. USC Libraries, University of Southern California.
Soyini Madison, D., ed. The Woman That I Am: The Literature and Culture of Contemporary Women of Color. St. Martin’s Press, 1994.

Compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Hopkins, Lea

I'm Not Crazy, Just Different, 1970.
Womyn I have Known You, 1978.

Article about Lea Hopkins:

Oral History:

Jewell, Terri L.

Editorial Note: All sections should appear in chronological order of publication date. Pieces published more than once are listed together, with the earliest appearance listed first.

Jewell, Terri L. The Black Woman's Gumbo Ya-Ya: Quotations by Black Women. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1993.
Jewell, Terri L. Succulent Heretic: Poetry. Lansing, MI: Oral Tortuga Press, 1994.
Jewell, Terri. Our Names Are Many: The Black Woman's Book of Days. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1996.

Appearances in Collections/Anthologies
Jewell, Terri L. “Felled Shadows.” In Women and Aging: An Anthology by Women edited by Jo Alexander, Lisa Domitrovich & Debi Berrow, 90. Corvallis, OR: CALYX, 1986.
--- Jewell, Terri L. “Felled Shadows.” In A Fierce Brightness: 25 Years of Women’s Poetry, edited by Margarita Donnelly, Beverly McFarland, & Micki Reaman. CALYX Press, 2002, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Sistah Flo.” In Women and Aging: An Anthology by Women edited by Jo Alexander, Lisa Domitrovich & Debi Berrow, 91. Corvallis, OR: CALYX, 1986.
--- Jewell, Terri L. “Sistah Flo.” In Florilegia: A Retrospective of CALYX, 1976-1989, vol. 10, no. 2-3, edited by the CALYX Editorial Collective. CALYX Press, 1987, accessed June 15, 2022,
--- Jewell, Terri L. “Sistah Flo.” In A Fierce Brightness: 25 Years of Women’s Poetry, edited by Margarita Donnelly, Beverly McFarland, & Micki Reaman. CALYX Press, 2002, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. "Investment of Worth.” In When I Am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple, by Jenny Joseph. (Souvenir Press, 1991), 76.
Jewell, Terri. “Gracefully Afraid.” In When I am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple, by Jenny Joseph. (Souvenir Press, 1991), 76.
Jewell, Terri. “Interview with Miss Ruth.” In Piece of My Heart: A Lesbian of Colour Anthology, edited by Makeda Silvera, 149-154. Toronto: Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Jewell, Terri. "Miss Ruth.” In Does Your Mama Know?: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories, edited by Lisa C. Moore, 129-138. Redbone Press, 1997.
Jewell, Terri. “Spiderplant.” In If I Had My Life to Live Over, I Would Pick More Daisies, edited by Sandra Martz (Pennsylvania State University: Papier-Mache Press, 1992), 48.
Jewell, Terri L. "How to Teach One Dog a New Trick." In Sexual Harassment: Women Speak Out, edited by Amber Coverdale Sumrall & Dena Taylor, 136-139. Crossing Press, 1992.
Jewell, Terri. “Sapphire.” In Contemporary Lesbian Writers of the United States: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Sandra Pollack and Denise D. Knight. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993.
Jewell, Terri L. “Found Cure One.” In Reclaiming the Heartland: Lesbian and Gay Voices from the Midwest, edited by Karen Lee Osborne & William J. Spurlin, 96. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Jewell, Terri L. “Bad Ass.” In Reclaiming the Heartland: Lesbian and Gay Voices from the Midwest, edited by Karen Lee Osborne & William J. Spurlin, 97. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Jewell, Terri L. “Agrology.” In Reclaiming the Heartland: Lesbian and Gay Voices from the Midwest, edited by Karen Lee Osborne & William J. Spurlin, 145. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Jewell, Terri L. “Moving In.” In Reclaiming the Heartland: Lesbian and Gay Voices from the Midwest, edited by Karen Lee Osborne & William J. Spurlin, 193. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
"Interview with Stephanie Byrd." In Does Your Mama Know?: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories, edited by Lisa C. Moore, 129-138. Redbone Press, 1997.

Poetry in Journals/Periodicals
Jewell, Terri L. “Night Prayer to Oya.” Focus (May-June 1983): 18.
Jewell, Terri L. “Night Prayer to Oya.” WOMANSPIRIT 10, no. 40 (Summer 1984) 54, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Miss Nora.” WOMANSPIRIT 10, no. 37 (September 1983): 52, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Weaver.” Sister Lode 5, no. 3. (March-April 1984).
Jewell, Terri L. “A Sunday out of Mid-July.” Sister Lode 5, no. 3. (March-April 1984): 11.
Jewell, Terri. “A Sunday of Mid-July.” The Lesbian Inciter no. 14 (February 1985): 12.
Jewell, Terri L. “Theurgy.” Black American Literature Forum 18, no. 1 (Spring 1984): 35, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Salvaging Blood, January 1983.” Black American Literature Forum 18, no. 1 (Spring 1984): 35, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “One Night Reunion.” Sister Lode 5, no. 4. (June-July 1984): 7.
Jewell, Terri. “Fear of the Dark.” Women of Color News (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) 2, no. 3 (July 1984): 17.
Jewell, Terri L. “Semaphores.” The Gay News-Telegraph 3, no. 10. (July 1984): 17.
Jewell, Terri. “Ha’nt.” Spare Rib (September 1984): 49, accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Ha’nt.” Conditions Double Issue (January 1985): 135, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Ha’nt.” The Centennial Review (Michigan State University Press) 29, no. 2 (Spring 1985): 207-208, accessed June 8, 2022,, Terri L. “Ha’nt.” IKON 2, no. 7. (Special Issue June 1987): 109, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Ha’nt.” Sojourner 14, no. 11 (July 1989): 36, accessed June 22, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “The Dream.” Sisters United (Winter 1984).
Jewell, Terri L. “Diane with Prayer.” Kalliope 6, no. 3 (1984): 42, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Uxoricide.” Conditions Double Issue (January 1985): 136, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Returning Anymore.” Conditions Double Issue (January 1985): 135, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Armed Recruit.” The Lesbian Inciter no. 14 (February 1985): 15.
Jewell, Terri. “Armed Recruit.” Sinister Wisdom 28. (Winter 1985): 45.
Jewell, Terri L. “Celebrity Poet.” The Lesbian Inciter no. 14 (February 1985): 14.
Jewell, Terri. “Psychiatric Prescription from an Educated Man.” Valley Women’s Voice 7, no. 2. (March 1985): 13.
Jewell, Terri. “Disposal Law.” New Directions for Women 14, no. 2 (March/April 1985): 2, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Cross-question.” Valley Women’s Voice 7, no. 2. (March 1985): 13.
Jewell, Terri. “Show You Hear.” The Body Politic 113 (April 1985): 39, accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Teda.”The Centennial Review (Michigan State University Press) 29, no. 2 (Spring 1985): 208-209, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Teda.” Women of Power 2 (Summer 1985): 48.
Jewell, Terri L. “Teda.” IKON 2, no. 7. (Special Issue June 1987): 108, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “No News Among Us.” Black American Literature Forum 19, no. 3 (Autumn 1985): 110, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “No News among Us.” Women’s Quarterly Review 1, no. 2 (Winter 1985): 13. Jewell, Terri L. “No News Among Us.” Feminary: Lesbian Feminist Magazine of Passion, Politics & Hope 14, no. 40. (Winter/Spring 1985): 40.
Jewell, Terri L. “No News Among Us.” IKON 2, no. 7. (Special Issue June 1987): 108, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Moving In.” The Lavender Letter 5, no. 10 (1985).
Jewell, Terri. “Moving In.” Sinister Wisdom 47. (Summer/Fall 1992): 111-112.
Jewell, Terri. “There are no hungry in this country on the lazy.” Lansing Beat (Michigan State University), Feb 6-20, 1986, accessed June 18, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Lessons for the 80s 1/28/86.” Lansing Beat (Michigan State University), Feb 20-Mar 6, 1986, accessed June 18, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Closed Case.” Obsidian II 1, no. 1/2 (Spring-Summer 1986): 55, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Taken by Michael Depores.” Obsidian II 1, no. 1/2 (Spring-Summer 1986): 56, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Key to Mena’s Wailing.” The Body Politic 131 (October 1986): 31, accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “It Being Friday 13th is Irrelevant.” Hecate 12, Issue 1/2. (November 1986): 168, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Gasoline on the Roof.” Black American Literature Forum 20, no. 3 (Autumn 1986): 257-259, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Covenant.” Black American Literature Forum 20, no. 3 (Autumn 1986): 259-260, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Covenant.” Obsidian II 2, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 16, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “A Sister Gives Warning.” Obsidian II 2, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 17, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Woman Without Melody.” Obsidian II 2, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 17-18, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Terms with Past Things.” Obsidian II 2, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 18, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Elemi.” IKON 2, no. 7. (Special Issue June 1987): 109, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “She Who Bears the Thorn.” Conditions no. 15 (January 1988): 35, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “She Who Bears the Thorn.” Black American Literature Forum 23, no. 3 (Autumn 1989): 462, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. "She Who Bears the Thorn." Iris, University of Virginia. (1990): 18.
Jewell, Terri L. “Night Hush for Sister.” Conditions no. 15 (January 1988): 87, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Spiderplant.” Sisters United II no. 8 (Spring 1988): 23.
Jewell, Terri L. “Fatima Down South.” Common Lives/Lesbian Lives 27. (Summer 1988): 22, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Miles Together.” Common Lives/Lesbian Lives 27. (Summer 1988): 23-24, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Fragile Flower.” Obsidian II 3, no. 3 (Winter 1988): 120-121, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Marking Time.” Obsidian II 3, no. 3 (Winter 1988): page 120-121, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Felled Shadows.” Sojourner 14, no. 11 (July 1989): 36, accessed June 22, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Face of Africa.” Sinister Wisdom 38. (Summer/Fall 1989): 8.
Jewell, Terri L. “Basketeer” Sinister Wisdom 38. (Summer/Fall 1989): 10.
Jewell, Terri L.“Basketeer.” Obsidian II 5, no. 1 (Spring 1990): 52, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “the want.” Kalliope 11, no. 2 (1989): 23, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Family Jewel Heretics.” Conditions no. 17 (January 1990): 118, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Sleep in Unfamiliar Arms.”Conditions no. 17 (January 1990) 119, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “digestion.” Obsidian II 5, no. 1 (Spring 1990): 51, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Met Lately.” off our backs: a women’s newsjournal 20, no. 6 (June 1990): 24, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “How to Suck Them Neckbones.” Aché 2, no. 5 (September-October 1990): 32.
Jewell, Terri L. “How to Suck Them Neckbones.” Our Own Community Press 15, no. 3 (January 1991): 12.
Jewell, Terri L. “Athlone.” Obsidian II 5, no. 3 (Winter 1990): 175, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Mr. Drummond.” Obsidian II 5, no. 3 (Winter 1990): 76, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Southpaw.” OutWeek (March 27, 1991): 62, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Agrology.” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 5, no. 2. (July 1991): 62.
Jewell, Terri. “Dear Sappha II.” Aché 4, no. 1 (February-March 1992).
Jewell, Terri. “Reasons and Stranger Rejections.” Sinister Wisdom 46. (Spring 1992): 9.
Jewell, Terri. “Stephanie Byrd, Lesbian poet, in Pinkney Park, Michigan, June 1989.” Sinister Wisdom 46. (Spring 1992): 97.
Jewell, Terri L. “Harriet’s Power” African American Review 26, no. 2 (Summer 1992): 228, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Better than asking why a white lover.” Common Lives/Lesbian Lives 46. (Summer 1993): 56, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Better than Asking Why a White Lover.” Dyke Review. (Summer 1993): 8.
Jewell, Terri. “Dream.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 41 (Winter 1993): 10.
Jewell, Terri L. “Found Cure Nine.” Fireweed: A Feminist Quarterly 23, no. 1/2. (Spring/Summer 1994): 76.
Jewell, Terri. “Sine Qua Non.” Kalliope 17, no. 3 (1995): 76, accessed June 8, 2022,

Essays/Articles/Narrative Essays

Jewell, Terri L. “Crawling Around Inside One Black Writer.” Amazon: Milwaukee’s Feminist Press 11, no. 3. (June/July 1983): 24-25, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Crawling Around Inside One Black Writer.” off our backs: a women’s newsjournal 13, no. 6 (June 1983): 18, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “A Poor Woman’s Passing Thots on Food.” The Lesbian Inciter no. 5 (Winter 1983-84):1.
Jewell, Terri L. “An Alliance of Differences.” I Know You Know—Lesbian Views and News 1, no. 25 (February 1985).
Jewell, Terri L. “Black Dyke Self-Interview.” Gay Community News 12, no. 32. (March 2, 1985): 6-8.
Jewell, Terri. “A Different Kind of Calendar.” Review of Tracking Our Way Through Time: A Lesbian Herstory Calendar/Journal, edited by Janet S. Soule. Between Our Selves: Women of Color Newspaper (Washington, DC) 1, no. 1 (December 1985): 15.
Jewell, Terri L. “Essays Assess Black Writers’ Works: Black Feminist Criticism.” New Directions for Women 15, no. 5 (September/October 1986): 12, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Conversations with Grandma.” Our Own Community Press 20 (Fall 1987): 5.
Jewell, Terri L. “A Call to Black Lesbian Sisters.” Sinister Wisdom 35. (Summer/Fall 1988): 12-14.
Jewell, Terri L. “Beauty and the Boys.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 21 (Winter 1988): 22.
Jewell, Terri. “OA Versus the Love of BLTs.” Lesbian Contradiction 28 (Fall 1989): 1.
Jewell, Terri. “Letters between women: in defense of the cursive” Women of Power 13 (Spring 1989): 9.
Jewell, Terri L. “Thoughts on Christmas Eve.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 25 (Winter 1989): 14.
Jewell, Terri L. “Talkin’ With My Best Straight Friend.” Lesbian Contradiction, no. 25 (Winter 1989): 1.
Jewell, Terri. “A Short Account of My Behavior.” Our Own Community Press 14, no. 4 (January 1990): 14.
Jewell, Terri L. “A Short Account of My Behavior.” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 4, no. 2. (July 1990): 52.
Jewell, Terri Lynn. “When the Girls Become Women.” New Directions for Women 19, no. 1 (January/February 1990): 25, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Barbara Smith and Kitchen Table Women of Color Press.” Hot Wire: The Journal of Women's Music and Culture (May 1990): 20–22,58, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “What Doing it Can Do.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 31 (Summer 1990): 8.
Jewell, Terri L. “Marion Oughton: British Feminist Story-Spinner.” Women Artist News 15, no. 3. (Fall 1990): 31, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “One Lesbian’s Political Ponderings While Watching Women’s Wrestling on Television.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 29 (Winter 1990): 13.
Jewell, Terri L. “Marion Oughton–Modern Day Storyteller.” New Directions for Women 20, no. 1 (January/February 1991): 10, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “A Reminder: The Strait* Person’s Guide to Understanding the Black Lesbian.” Aché 3, no. 3 (June-July 1991): 12.
Jewell, Terri L. “T.J.’s Stress Scale for Dykes.”Lesbian Contradiction no. 33 (Winter 1991): 9.
Jewell, Terri L. “For the Love of Kinks.” Kalliope 14, no. 3 (1992):19, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “For the Love of Kinks.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 42 (Spring 1993): 19.
Jewell, Terri L. “Nineteen Rights for Lesbian Feminist Activists.” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 3, no. 12. (May 1990): 39.
Jewell, Terri L. “Lesbian Is as Dyke Does as Gay Says.” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 4, no. 12. (May 1991): 43.
Jewell, Terri L. “Circumstantial Evidence.” Matrix 15, no. 2 (May 1991): 18.
Jewell, Terri L. “Girl, Had You Heard about Mary Fields?” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 5, no. 2. (July 1991): 61.
Jewell, Terri. “Taking the Power within Without.” The Lavender Express: New Jersey’s Lesbian Journal. (April 1995): 41.
Jewell, Terri. “Cinematheque.” Dyke Review. (Spring 1994).

Book Reviews

Jewell, Terri L. “Essays intriguing and irresistable.” Review of Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writers, by Barbara Christian. Kinesis (July-August 1986): 29.
Jewell, Terri. “Black Women Poets Speak.” Review of A Dangerous Knowing: Four Black Women Poets, by Barbara Burford, Jackie Kay, Grace Nichols, & Gabriela Pearse. Hecate 12, no. 1/2. (November 1986): 169-172.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of A Dangerous Knowing: Four Black Women Poets, by Barbara Buford, Jackie Kay, Grace Nichols, and Gabriela Pearse. Sojourner 13, no. 12 (August 1988): 42.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of In the Shadow of the Peacock, by Grace Edwards-Yearwood. Belles Letters 4, no. 1. (Fall 1988).
Jewell, Terri L. “Sapphire’s Powerful Voice.” Review of Meditations on the Rainbow, by Sapphire. Sojourner 14, no. 5 (January 1989): 41.
Jewell, Terri L. “Poems with potential and the pitfalls of a first work; Secret Passages skirts sexual love between men.” Review of Secret Passages: A Trilogy of Thought, by Philip Robinson. Gay Community News 16, no. 26. (January 15-January 21, 1989): B3.
Jewell, Terri L. “A Poet’s Revolution of Life.” Review of Healing Heart, by Gloria T. Hull. Gay Community News 17, no. 23. (December 17-23, 1989).
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Healing Heart, by Gloria T. Hull. Calyx 12, no. 3 (Summer 1990), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “The Power of Black Women Together.” Review of The Big Mama Stories, by Shay Youngblood. Gay Community News 17, no. 23. (December 17-23, 1989): 9.
Jewell, Terri L. “The Indomitable Hattie Gossett.” Review of Presenting…Sister NoBlues, by Hattie Gossett. Gay Community News 17, no. 26. (January 14-20, 1990): 9.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Women for All Seasons: Poetry and Prose about Transitions in Women’s Lives, edited by Wanda Coleman & Joanne Leedom-Ackerman. Calyx 12, no. 3 (Summer 1990), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Upside Down Tapestry Mosaic History, by Leslie A. Reese. The Black Scholar 21, no. 3. (Summer 1990-Summer 1991): 49, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “That’s Ms. Manners to You: Idiosyncrasies of Daily Dyke Life According to Gail Sausser.” Review of More Lesbian Etiquette, by Gail Sausser. Lambda Book Report 2, no. 7. (November 1990).
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Deluged with Dudes: Platonic and Erotic Love Poems to Men, by Alta. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Bluestown Mockingbird Mambo, by Sandra María Esteves. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Discriminating Evidence, by Mary Logue. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Flytrap, by Janet Snell. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991) accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of The Chant of the Women of Magdalena & the Magdalena Poems, by SDiane Bogus. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991) accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “A Farewell to Harms: Women Reclaim the Sea.” Review of The Chant of Women of Magdalena & the Magdalena Poems, by S Diane Bogus. Lambda Book Report 2, no. 10. (June 1991).
Jewell, Terri L. “A Journey Toward Healing.” Review of Just after Inca…One Woman’s Journey through Incest to Healing, by Rebecca Bass. Sojourner 19, Issue 1 (September 1993): 45.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Trauma and Survival: Post-Traumatic and Dissociative Disorders in Women, by Elizabeth A. Waiters. New Directions for Women 22, no. 5
(September/October 1993): 4, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “In Prints—Experimental Love Poetry by Cheryl Clarke.” Review of Experimental Love Poetry, by Cheryl Clarke. Lambda Book Report 4, no. 1. (November 1993).
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Faces of Feminism: Portraits of Women Across Canada (with Words by the Women Portrayed), by Pamela Harris. Calyx 15, no. 1 (Winter 1993-1994) accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “No household names.” Review of Faces of Feminism: Portraits of Women Across Canada (With Words by the Women Portrayed), by Pamela Harris. Belles Letters 9, no. 3. (Spring 1994): 10.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of From Mammy to Miss America and Beyond: Cultural Images and the Shaping of U.S. Social Policy, by K. Sue Jewell. The Black Scholar 24, no. 2. (Spring 1994): 45-46, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Read this book naked.” Review of Pearls of Passion: A Treasury of Lesbian Erotica, edited by C. Allyson Lee and Silvera Makeda, and Courting Pleasure, by Tee Corinne. Lambda Book Report 4, no. 10. (May 1995): 34.
Jewell, Terri L. “The Beauties of Black Womanist Fiction.” Review of Sisterfire: Black Womanist Fiction and Poetry, by Charlotte Watson Sherman. The Lesbian Review of Books 1, no. 4 (Summer 1995): 21.


Byrd, Stephanie. “A Conversation with Stephanie Byrd; Questions by Terri L. Jewell.” By Terri L. Jewell. Visibilities: The Lesbian Magazine 3, no. 2 (March/April 1989): 7-10, accessed June 21, 2022,
Terri, Jewell. “Healing heart poetry: an interview with Gloria T. Hull.” Women of Power 14. (Summer 1989): 50.
Jewell, Terri L. “Yahoo! Maile Klein & The Lavender Fillies.” Matrix. (April 1990): 16.

Letters to Editor/Anthology Submission Calls

Jewell, Terri. “Byrd Plans New Black Lesbian Journal.” BLK Magazine 1, no. 13 (December 1989), accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Michigan Speaks.” Dimensions 5, no. 1 (July 1990): 5, accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Sisters.” Aché 3, no. 3 (June-July 1991).
Jewell, Terri. “Aché Editors.” Aché 3, no. 4 (August-September 1991).
Jewell, Terri L. Untitled letter. Aché 4, no. 1 (February-March 1992).


Jewell, Terri, photographer. “Consuela & Jera, Pinkney, MI - 1993.” Photograph. Sinister
Wisdom 51. (Winter 1993): cover art, 123.

Article by Terri L. Jewell interviewing Stephanie Byrd:

The papers of Terri Jewell are housed at Michigan State University. For more information:

Terri L. Jewell obituary:

Secondary Sources

Jean, Valerie. "Writing Survival" in Flat-footed Truths: Telling Black Women's Lives, edited by Patricia Bell-Scott with Juanita Johnson-Bailey. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1998.

Manyarrows, Victoria Lena

Songs from the Native Lands: Poetry. Nopal Press, 1995.

Periodicals in which Manyarrows Appears:
Common Lives/Lesbian Lives: A Lesbian Quarterly, no. 42. (1992).
Common Lives/Lesbian Lives: A Lesbian Quarterly, no. 43. (1992).
Dykewomon, Elana, ed. Sinister Wisdom, no. 51 (1993/94): 17.
Hurricane Alice: A Feminist Review 10 (1994).
Onada-Sikwoia, Akiba, ed. Sinister Wisdom: On Healing, no. 57 (1996): 102-103.

Anthologies in which Manyarrows Appears:
Gonzalez, Ray, ed. Without Discovery: A Native Response to Columbus. Broken Moon Press, 1992.
Featherston, Elena. Skin Deep: Women Writing on Color, Culture and Identity. Crossing Press, 1994.
Gillan, Maria Mazziotti, and Jennifer Gillan, eds. Unsettling America: An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry. Penguin Books, 1994.
Fiddler, Don, and Linda Jaine, eds. Metamorphosis. Theytus Books, 1995.
Glancy, Diane. Two Worlds Walking: Short Stories, Essays, and Poetry by Writers of Mixed Heritages. Edited by C. W. Truesdale and Diane Glancy. New Rivers Press, 1996.
Fife, Connie. The Colour of Resistance: A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women. Sister Vision Press, 1998.
Armstrong, Jeannette, ed. Looking at the Words of Our People: First Nations Analysis of Literature. Theytus Books, 1998.
Glancy, Diane, and Mark Nowak, eds. Visit Teepee Town: Native Writings after the Detours. Coffee House Press, 1999.
Ressler, Susan R., ed. Women Artists of the American West. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2002.

Compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Meagher, Maude

Copper Mountain: Adventurous Days Among the Eskimos (1925)
White Jade (1930)
Fantastic Traveller (1931)
The Green Scamander (1934)

The Green Scamander seems to be the novel with lesbian content.

Meagher with Carolyn Smiley ran a Boston-based publishing house during the 1930s and 1940s publishing the magazine World Youth Today. In 1940, they moved to Los Gatos, CA and built a 15,000 square foot adobe house.

Barbara Grier and Constance Barker corresponded about Meagher; that correspondence is in the Grier Papers at the SFPL.

Sarah Waters (Autumn 1996). "Wolfskins and Togas: Maude Meagher's The Green Scamander and the Lesbian Historical Novel". Women: A Cultural Review. 7 (2): 176–188. doi:10.1080/09574049608578272.

Moraga, Cherrie

Moraga, Cherríe and Gloria Anzaldúa. This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Loving in the War Years. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 1983, 2003.

The Last Generation. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 1993.

Waiting in the Wings. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1997.

Xicana Codex of Changing Consciousness: Writings 2000-2010. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.

Moran, Mary

Periodicals in which Moran appears:
WomanSpirit, 7, no. 26 (Winter Solstice 1980): 65.
Big Mama Rag 10, no. 11 (1982): 15/18.
Rich, Michelle Cliff Adrienne, ed. Sinister Wisdom, no. 20 (1982): 51-56.
Big Mama Rag 11, no. 2 (1983): 10-11.
Rich, Beth Brant Michelle Cliff, ed. Sinister Wisdom: A Gathering of Spirit, nos. 22/23 (1983): 18-20, 71, 148-149.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie, ed. Sinister Wisdom, no. 28 (1985): 37-42.
Sherman, Susan, ed. "Women & Love." Special Issue, IKON, 2, no.7 (1987): 50-52.
Dykewomon, Elana, ed. Sinister Wisdom: Surviving Psychiatric Assault & Creating Emotional Well-Being In Our Communities, no. 36 (1988/1989): 15, 87-90.

Anthologies in which Moran appears:
Brant, Beth, ed. A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women. Firebrand Books, 1984.
Silvera, Makeda. Fireworks: The Best of Fireweed. Women’s Press of Canada, 1987.
Curtin, Deane W., and Lisa M. Heldke. Cooking, Eating, Thinking: Transformative Philosophies of Food. Indiana University Press, 1992.
Brant, Beth, ed. In a Vast Dreaming. Native Women in the Arts, 1995.
Alexander, M. Jacqui, Lisa Albrecht, Sharon Day, and Mab Segrest, eds. Sing, Whisper, Shout, Pray!: Feminist Visions for a Just World. Edgework Books, 2005.

Moran, Mary. 1983. Mary Moran interview, 6/22/83 Interview by Arthur Silberman.

Compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Nestle, Joan

A Restricted Country

Persistent Desire

A Fragile Union

Penelope, Julia


Call Me Lesbian: Lesbian Lives, Lesbian Theory. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1992.

Crossword Puzzles for Women: 60 Never-Before- Published Puzzles. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1995.

Flinging Wide the Eyed Universe: Poems. Athol, MA: Haley’s, 1998.

Speaking Freely: unlearning the lies of the fathers’ tongues. New York: Pergamon Press, 1990.

What’s in a Name: The Politics of Naming. Chicago: Northeastern Illinois University, 1974.


Sexual Practice/Textual Theory: Lesbian Cultural Criticism. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell
Publishers, 1993.


Out of the Class Closet: Lesbians Speak. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1994.


Found Goddesses: Asphalta to Viscera. Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, 1988.


For Lesbians Only: A Separatist Anthology. London: Onlywomen Press, 1988.

Sinister Wisdom 15. A special issue on violence against women, 1981.


Lesbian Culture: an anthology: The Lives, Work, Ideas, Art and Visions of Lesbians Past and Present. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1993.

The Coming Out Stories. Foreword by Adrienne Rich. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980.

The Original Coming Out Stories. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press,1989.


Finding the Lesbians: Personal Accounts From Around the World. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1990.

International Feminist Fiction. Introduction by Valerie Miner. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1992.


Three Russian Women Poets: Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetayeva, Bella Akhmadulina. Julia Penelope with Bella Akhmadulina and Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1995.


[Review of] “‘Concrete’ Poetry from East and West Germany: The Language of Exemplarism and Experimentalism.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 38 (Spring 1980): 333-36.

“A Cursory and Precursory History of Language, and the Telling of It”

“Fact and Interpretation: Reflections in a Golden Eye.” Prairie Schooner 51 (Fall 1977): 312-13.

“Heteropatriarchal Semantics: ‘Just Two Kinds of People in the World.’” Lesbian Ethics 2
(Fall 1986): 58-80.

“Homosexual Slang.” American Speech 45 (Spring-Summer 1970): 45-59.

“Let the Silence Be Broken.” Prairie Schooner 52 (Fall 1978): 298-99.

“The Mystery of Lesbians.” Gossip #1 (1986): 9-45.

“The Mystery of Lesbians: III” from Lesbian Ethics 1 (1985) [no page].

“Sexist Grammar.” College English 39 (1978): 800-11.

“Sexist Slang and the Gay Community.” Occasional Papers in Women’s Studies (1979) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

“Toward a Feminist Aesthetic.” Chrysalis 6 [no date] 57-71.

“When We Say ‘Out of the Closets!’” College English (November 1974): 385-91


“Woman and Wife: Social and semantic shifts in English” Paper in Linguistics 12 (1979): 491-502.


“Forced inference: Uses and abuses of the passive.” Paper in Linguistics 10 (1977): 299-311.

“Lesbian Humor.” Women: A Journal of Liberation 5 (1977): 26-29.

“Linguistic problems with patriarchal reconstructions of Indo-European culture: A little more than kin, a little less than kind.” Women’s Studies International Quarterly 3 (1980): 227-37.

“Sexist Slang and the Gay Community: Are You One Too?” Occasional Papers in Women’s Studies (1979) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.


“Chomsky’s ‘Ideal’ Native Speaker:Sexism in Synchronic Linguistics.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Modern Language Association, New York, New York, December 27-30, 1978. ERIC database. OCLC number: 425829838. Accession number: ED179078.

“Language and Power: English as a Patriarchal Language.” Paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 5-7, 1979. ERIC database. OCLC number: 425921127. Accession number: ED172252.

“Sexist Slang and the Gay Community: Are You One Too?” with Susan Robbins. Paper presented at the Modern Language Association, December 1976 [Reprinted as Michigan Occasional Paper No. XIV].

“The Sexist Tradition: Words and Meaning.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, New York, New York, November 24-26, 1977. ERIC database. OCLC number: 426994762. Accession number: ED 162303.

“Target Structure and Rule Conspiracies: Syntactic Exploitation” paper presented at the Theory of Rhetoric Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 5-6 1978. ERIC database. OCLC number: 425377053. Accession number: ED157392.

“Teaching Lesbian Novels: From Proposal to Reality.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Kansas City, Missouri, November 23-25, 1978. ERIC database. OCLC number: 425943743. Accession number: ED168012.


“The problem of unity in poetry: a linguistic approach;" [abstract] Thesis/dissertation. Austin: The University of Texas, 1971.


“Lesbian Separatism: The Linguistic and Social Sources of Separatist Politics.” In The Gay Academic, edited by Louie Crew, 121-31. Palm Springs, CA: ETC Publications, 1978.

“Paradigmatic Women: the Prostitute.” In Papers in Language Variation, edited by D. L. Shores and C. P. Hine, 303-21. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1977.

“Passing Lesbians: The High Cost of Femininity.” In An Intimacy of Equals: Lesbian Feminist Ethics,edited by Lilian Mohin, 118-52. London: Onlywomen Press, 1996.


“Consciousness as Style; Style as Aesthetic.” In Language, Gender, and Society, edited by Barrie Thorne, Cheri Kramarae, and Nancy Henley, 125-39. Rowley, MA: Newburg, 1983.

“Crooked and Straight in Academia.” In Pulling Our Own Strings, edited by Gloria Kaufman and Mary Kay Blakely, 119. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980.

“Mother Wit: Tongue in Cheek.” In Lavender Culture, edited by Karla Jay and Allen Young. 299-307. New York: Jove Publications (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich), 1978.


[No title] Journal of Homosexuality. 3 (1977): 91-94.


Behind Closed Doors: the dark legacy of the Johns Committee by Allyson Beutke and Scott Litvack Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Department of Journalism, Documentary Institute, 2000. [Includes interviews with Merril Mushroom and Julia Penelope.]

Summary: The Legislative Investigation Committee probed unpopular groups in Florida during the 1950’s and ‘60s. Also known as the Johns Committee, investigators questioned civil rights activists, suspected Communists and homosexuals. Includes live interviews with Art Copleston, Merril Mushroom, and Julia Penelope; and a narrative about Sigmund Diettrich (who is now deceased) by former colleagues.” www.worldcat/org/title/behind-closed-doors/oclc/59758907&referer=brief_r...


“Julia Penelope from Lesbiana – A Parallel Revolution” from Myriam Fougere


Julia Penelope's papers are held by Duke University. For more information:


For obituaries and remembrances of Julia Penelope, go here:

Bibliography compiled by Joanna Cattonar.

Scott, Claudia

Lesbian Writer: Collected Work of Claudia Scott. Edited by Frances Hanckel and Susan Windle. Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1981.

In This Morning. Chicago, IL: Tree Frog Press, 1979.

Portrait. Chicago, IL: Lavender Press, 1974.

Seajay, Carol

Carol Seajay is an extraordinary editor and lesbian print activist. She co-founded, edited, and published Feminist Bookstore News and Books To Watch Out For.

This page is a bibliography of where to find writing and videos by and about Carol Seajay.

Carol Seajay is a panelist at "Valencia Street as a Lesbian Corridor" with Canyon Sam, Molly Martin, and Ruth Mahaney; LisaRuth Elliott moderates. The panel was recorded in December 2019. The full video is here:

Sears, Vickie

Simple Songs. Firebrand Books, 1990.

Anthologies in which Sears Appears:
Brant, Beth, ed. Sinister Wisdom: A Gathering of Spirit: North American Indian Women's Issue, no. 22/23 (1983) 124-126.
Conlan, Faith, Rachel da Silva, and Barbara Wilson, eds. The Things That Divide Us: Stories by Women. Seal, 1985.
Zahava, Irene, ed. Hear the Silence: Stories by Women of Myth, Magic & Renewal. Crossing Press, 1986.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie, ed. Sinister Wisdom: Special Issue on Death, Healing, Mourning, and Illness, no. 32 (1987): 43-45, 122.
Allen, Paula Gunn, ed. Spider Woman's Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women. Ballantine Books, 1989.
Larkin, Joan, ed. Gay and Lesbian Poetry in Our Time (Stonewall Inn Editions). St. Martin's Griffin, 1989.
Lerner, Andrea, ed. Dancing on the Rim of the World: An Anthology of Contemporary Northwest Native American Writing (Sun Tracks, Vol 19). University of Arizona Press, 1990.
Corinne, Tee A., ed. Riding Desire: An Anthology of Erotic Writing. Banned Books, 1991.
Stavrakis, Katheryn, ed. Talking Leaves: Contemporary Native American Short Stories, introduction by Craig Lesley. Dell Publishing, 1991.
Riley, Patricia, ed. Growing Up Native American. William Morrow & Co, 1993.
Fife, Connie. The Colour of Resistance: A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women. Sister Vision, 1993.
Rochman, Hazel, and Darlene Z. McCampbell, eds. Leaving Home: Stories. HarperTeen, 1997.
Kothari, Geeta, ed. Did My Mama Like to Dance? and Other Stories about Mothers and Daughters. Avon Books, 1994.
Swann, Brian, and Arnold Krupat, eds. Here First: Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers (Modern Library Paperbacks). Random House Publishing Group, 2000.
Allen, Paula Gunn, and Carolyn Dunn, eds. Hozho: Walking in Beauty: Native American Stories of Inspiration, Humor, and Life. McGraw-Hill, 2001.

Other works:
“On the Healing Road.” The Women's Review of Books 9, no. 10/11 (1992): 7-8.

Secondary Works:
Herzog, Kristin. Review of Simple Songs, by Vickie Sears. MELUS 19, no. 4 (Winter 1994): 147-149.

Bibliography compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.

Sela, Lora

Push-over. Fabian, 1958.

I am a Lesbian. Saber Books, 1958.

Camera Bait. Saber Books, 1960.

Unknown Tomorrows. Saber Books, 1961.

Shockley, Ann Allen

Suncircle, Pat

"…ALMOST." So's Your Old Lady. Dec 1975, Issue 11, p16-17.

"A Day's Growth." Christopher Street. Feb77, Vol. 1 Issue 8, p23.

"Request." So's Your Old Lady. Apr1975, Issue 8, p18.

"Trapped in a House That Won't Burn." Out/Look. Summer 1992, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p65-69.

"When the Time Came." Christopher Street. Apr78, Vol. 2 Issue 10, p 30.

PDF icon WhenttheTimeCamePatSuncircle.pdf6.02 MB

Tanguay, Nicole

Anthologies in which Tanguay Appears:
Elwin, Rosamund, Mona Oikawa, Dionne Falconer, and Anne Decter, eds. Out Rage: Lesbian Stories and Poems Celebrating Resistance. Women’s Press of Canada, 1994.
Falconer, Dionne, Karen X. Tulchinsky, and Rosamund Elwin, eds. Tangled Sheets: Stories and Poems of Lesbian Lust. Women’s Press of Canada, 1995.
Brant, Beth, and Sandra Laronde, eds. Sweetgrass Grows All Around Her: Native Women in the Arts. Native Women in the Arts, 1996.
Fife, Connie. The Colour of Resistance: A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women. Sister Vision Press, 1998.
Malleson, Tom, and David Wachsmuth, eds. Whose Streets?: The Toronto G20 and the Challenges of Summit Protest. Between the Lines, 2011.
Lorinc, John, Tim McCaskell, Maureen Fitzgerald, Jane Farrow, Stephanie Chambers, Tatum Taylor, Rebecka Sheffield, Ed Jackson, and Rahim Thawer, eds. Any Other Way: How Toronto Got Queer. Coach House Books, 2017.

“Celebrating Queer Indigenous Voices Week 2011: Interviews with Nicole Tanguay and Robbie Madsen.” Black Coffee Poet. June 29, 2011.
Tanguay, Nicole. "The Poetics of Queer Resistance: An Hour with Nicole Tanguay." Queer Devotions. March 29, 2021.

Compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons

Tsui, Kitty

Nightvision. 1982.

The Words of a Woman Who Breathes Fire. Spinsters Ink, 1983.

Breathless. Firebrand Books, 1996.

Sparks Fly. Writing as Eric Norton. BadBoy Books, 1997.

de la tierra, tatiana

Born in Colombia and raised in Miami, Florida, tatiana de la tierra was a bilingual and bicultural writer, exploring issues of Latina identity, sexuality, and social activism. She received her Master’s degree of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Texas at El Paso and a Master of Library Science from University at Buffalo. As an editor and contributor, tatiana de la tierra founded the Latina lesbian publications Esto no Tiene Nombre, Conmoción and La telaraña. In 2012, she passed away in Long Beach, California.


Para Las Duras: Una Fenomenologia Lesbiana / For the Hard Ones: A Lesbian Phenomenology. San Diego: Calaca, 2002.
Píntame Una Mujer Peligrosa. Buffalo, NY: Chibcha, 2005.

Porcupine Love and Other Tales from My Papaya. Buffalo (266 Elmwood Ave. #104, Buffalo 14222): Chibcha, 2005.

Biop-see. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
Desire and the Doll. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005
Dreaming of You. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
Girls Gotta Be Girls. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005. Print.
It Is Another Wonderful Day. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
This Is About Pleasure. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
The Uncollected Fiction of Tatiana De La Tierra. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
The Uncollected Poems of Tatiana De La Tierra. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
Tierra, Tatiana De La, and Anna Cooke. Xía Y Las Mil Sirenas. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Editorial Patlatonalli, 2009.


"Activist Latina Lesbian Publishing: Esto No Tiene Nombre and Conmoción." Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 27.1 (2002): 139-78.

"Aliens and Others in Search of the Tribe in Academe." This Bridge We Call Home Radical Visions for Transformation. Ed. Gloria Anzaldua and AnaLouise Keating. New York: Routledge, 2002.

"Compañeras : Latina Lesbians : An Anthology." Compañeras: Latina Lesbians: An Anthology. By Juanita Ramos. New York: Routledge, 1994.

“Dancing with Daisy.” Gynomite: Fearless Feminist Porn. Ed. Liz Belile. New Orleans: New Mouth from the Dirty South, 2000. 30-35.

"The Fire in My Heart." This Bridge We Call Home Radical Visions for Transformation. Ed. Gloria Anzaldúa and AnaLouise Keating. Florence: Taylor and Francis, 2013.

"In Gay Code: Everything We Should Know." School Library Journal 48.4 (2002): S51.

"Jaime Manrique (1949)." LGBTQ America Today: An Encyclopedia. Ed. John C. Hawley and Emmanuel S. Nelson. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. 716.

“Latin American Lesbian-Feminists Together in Mexico.” Visibilities Sep./Oct. 1988: 8-11.

"Latina Lesbian Literature." Encyclopedia of Hispanic-American Literature. Ed. Luz Elena. Ramirez. New York, NY: Facts On File, 2008. 192-94.

“A Lesbian Journey Through the Fog.” Viva Arts Quarterly 1995: 15-16.

"Neurotic Love Letters." Journal of Lesbian Studies 8.3 (2004): 93-96.

"Queer books bloom in Spain." Curve, June 2004, p. 52+. Academic OneFile.

"Rebirthing." Journal of Internal Medicine 13.9 (1998): 650-53.SpringerLink.


"Argentina: Lesbian Visibility." Ms Magazine, vol. 1, no. 6, 05 1991, pp. 16. GenderWatch.

"Barriers to Selecting Materials about Sexual and Gender Diversity."Serving LGBTIQ Library and Archives Users: Essays on Outreach, Service, Collections and Access. Jefferson, NC: McFarland &,, 2011.

“Coming Out and Creating Queer Awareness in the Classroom: An Approach from the U.S.-Mexican Border." Lesbian and Gay Studies and the Teaching of English: Positions, Pedagogies, and Cultural Politics. Ed. William J. Spurlin. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 2000. 163.

"Jail Time for Beginners." Latino Heretics. Ed. Tony Diaz. Normal, IL: Published by Fiction Collective Two, 1999. 67.

"A Latina Lesbian Activists's Survival Guide, O Mejor Dicho, Activism De-mystified, De-glorified & De-graded." Latino Heretics. Ed. Tony Diaz. Normal, IL: Published by Fiction Collective Two, 1999. 64-67.

“Prisoner of Hope: Gustavo Álvarez Gardeazábal.” El Andar 12.1 Spring 2001: 50-53.

"Silencing Our Lady : La Respuesta De Alma." I Am Aztlán: The Personal Essay in Chicano Studies. Ed. Chon A. Noriega and Wendy Laura. Belcher. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, 2008.

“Swine-juvenile Literature? : Good Cataloging vs. Good Public Service." Radical Cataloging: Essays at the Front. By K. R. Roberto and Sanford Berman. Jefferson (North Carolina): McFarland, 2008.

“Juego.” The Second Coming. Ed. Pat Califia and Robin Sweeney. Los Angeles: Alyson, 1996. 224.

Book Reviews

"Candelaria." Library Journal 126.13 (2001): S33.

"The Friends I Lost." Library Journal 126.10 (2001): S25.

"Garbageland." Library Journal 126.13 (2001): S28.

"I Sex, You Sex, We ...: A Guide to Fully Living Your Sexuality." Library Journal 126.10 (2001): S40.

"Of All Things Visible and Invisible." School Library Journal 48.4 (2002): S34.

"Season of Hell." School Library Journal 48.4 (2002): S48.

"Sun of My Fancy: Poetic Anthology of Gay Eroticism." School Library Journal 48.4 (2002): S48.

"Queen of America." School Library Journal 48.8 (2002): S33.

"Woman as Word." The Lesbian Review of Books I.4 (1995): 12. ProQuest. Web. 4 Mar. 2017.


tatiana de la tierra's writing, #7710. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.

tatiana de la tierra Latina lesbian magazine collection, CEMA 167. Department of Special Collections, UC Santa Barbara Library, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Tatiana de la Tierra Papers, 124, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles.


Castro, Nivea. "Tatiana De La Tierra: The ¿Cuándo Supiste? Interview, 9 July 2012." Sinister Wisdom 97 (2015): 175-96.

Compiled by Sara Gregory (March 2017).

laFavor, Carole

Along the Journey River: A Mystery. Firebrand Books, 1996.
Evil Dead Center: A Mystery. Firebrand Books, 1998.

Anthologies in which LaFavor appears:
Roscoe, Will, ed. Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian Anthology. St. Martins Press, 1988.

Critical work about LaFavor:
Smith, Mona. “Her Giveaway: A Spiritual Journey with AIDS, by Minnesota American Indian AIDS Task Force.” AIDS Book Review Journal, no. 8 (1994).
Vernon, Irene S. “AIDS: The New Smallpox among Native Americans.” Wicazo Sa Review 14, no. 1. (1999): 235-249.
Tatonetti, Lisa. “Detecting Two-Spirit erotics: The fiction of Carole laFavor.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 20, nos. 3-4. (2016): 372–387.

Bibliography compiled by Michaela Hayes and Sarah Parsons.