13th Moon Press published books as well. This bibliography is of the books published by 13th Moon Press. The list is from WorldCat and, I believe, is incomplete.
Bissert, Ellen Marie. The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Dyke. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1977. (Reviewed in Sinister Wisdom.)
Cain, Mary Ann. Down from Moonshine: A Novel. Fort Lee, NJ: 13th Moon Press, 2009.
Piercy, Marge. Martha as the Angel Gabriel. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1977.
Piercy, Marge. For the Furies. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1982.
Piercy, Marge. Listening to a Speech. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1983.
Piercy, Marge. A Day in the Life. Albany, NY: 13th Moon, 1996.
Cowell, Pattie. Women poets in pre-Revolutionary America, 1650-1775. [New York, NY?] 13th Moon, 1979.
Chronological Bibliography
Azpadu, Dodici. Saturday Night in the Prime of Life: A Novel. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1983.
Schoenfielder, Lisa and Barb Weiser. Shadow on a Tightrope: Writings by Women on Fat Oppression. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1983.
Azpadu, Dodici. Goat Song. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1984.
Brody, Michal. Are We There Yet? A Continuing History of Lavender Women, A Chicago Lesbian Newspaper, 1971-1976. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1985.
McDermott, Kate. Places, Please! The First Anthology of Lesbian Plays. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1985.
Spinsters/Aunt Lute
Cameron, Anne. The Journey. Spinsters Ink, 1986.
Gordon, Rebecca. Letters from Nicaragua. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1986.
Swallow, Jean. Leave a Light On for Me: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1986.
Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Child of Her People. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Hall, Sandi. Wingwomen of Hera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Lorde, Audre. The Cancer Journals. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987 (reprint edition).
Loulan, JoAnn. Lesbian Passion: Loving Ourselves and Each Other. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Scott, Kesho, Cherry Muhanji, and Egyirba High. Tight Spaces. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Due, Linnea A. High and Outside. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
McRae, Diana. All the Muscle You Need: An Eliza Pirex Mystery. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Thompson, Karen and Julie Andrzejewski. Why Can’t Sharon Kowalski Come Home? San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Velez, Diana Lourdes. Reclaiming Medusa: Short Stories by Contemporary Puerto Rican Women (Second Edition). San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988, 1997.
Barr, Nevada. Bittersweet. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
De Monteflores, Carmen. Singing Softly/Cantando Bajito: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Pjerrou, Mary. Coz: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Rich, Cynthia. Desert Years: Undreaming the American Dream. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Swan, Bonita. Thirteen Steps: An Empowerment Process for Women. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie. My Jewish Face & Other Stories. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Kwasny, Melissa. Modern Daughters and the Outlaw West: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Loulan, JoAnn. The Lesbian Erotic Dance: Butch, Femme, Androgyny, and Other Rhythms. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Aunt Lute Books as a non-profit organization
Anzaldzúa, Gloria. Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1990.
Muhanji, Cherry. Her: A Novel. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1990.
Calderón, Sara Levi. The Two Mujeres. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1991.
Escamil, Edna. Daughter of the Mountain: Un Cuento. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1991.
Gomez-Vega, Ibis. Send My Roots Rain. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1991.
Felman, Jyl Lynn. Hot Chicken Wings. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1992.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie. The Issue Is Power: Essays on Women, Jews, Violence, and Resistance. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1992.
Rosenwasser, Penny. Visionary Voices: Women on Power/Conversations with Shamans, Activists, Teachers, Artists, and Healers. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1992.
Kanwar, Asha. The Unforgetting Heart: An Anthology of Short Stories by African-American Women, 1859-1993. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1993.
Our Feet Walk the Sky: Women of the South Asian Diaspora. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1993.
Forté-Escamilla, Kleya. The Storyteller with Nike Airs and Other Barrio Stories. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1994.
Ding, Xiaoqi. Maidenhome. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1994.
Davis, DeeAnne, Rabie Harris, Gloria Yamato and Others. New Voices from Aunt Lute 1. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1995.
Kahn, Karen. Frontline Feminism 1975-1995: Essays from Sojourner’s First Twenty Years. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1995.
Kamani, Ginu. Junglee Girl. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1995.
Kuzwayo, Ellen. Call Me Woman. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1985, 1995.
Walker, Alice. Alice Walker Banned. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1996.
Manojlovic Zarkovic, Radmila and Fran Peavey. I remember=Sjecam Se: Writings by Bosnian Women Refugees. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1996.
Weisinger, Jean. Imagery, Women Writers: Portraits (Calendar). San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1996.
Lorde, Audre. The Cancer Journals. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1980, 1992, 1997.
Shelley, Martha. Haggadah: A Celebration of Freedom. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1997.
Stapleton, Lara. The Lowest Blue Flame Before Nothing. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1998.
Anderson, Carolyn Dunn and Carol Comfort. Through the Eye of the Deer: An Anthology of Native American Women Writers. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.
Yan, Geling. White Snake and Other Stories. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.
Carbó, Nick and Eileen Tabios. Babaylan: An Anthology of Filipina and Filipina-American Writers. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2000.
Dow, Unity. Far and Beyon’. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2000.
Bobis, Merlinda C. The Kissing: A Collection of Short Stories. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2001.
Grobman, Laurie. Teaching at the Crossroads: Cultures and Critical Perspectives on Literature by Women of Color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2001.
Howe, LeAnne. Shell Shaker. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2001.
Harrington, Imani and Chyrell D. Bellamy. Positive/Negative: Women of Color and HIV/AIDS/A Collection of Plays. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2002.
Pettigrew, Dawn Karima. The Way We Make Sense. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2002.
Fernandes, Leela. Transforming Feminist Practice: Non-violence, Social Justice, and the Possibilities of a Spiritualized Feminism. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2003.
Hogeland, Lisa Maria and Mary Klages. The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2004.
DeDonato, Colette. City of One: Young Writers Speak to the World. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2004.
Tannenbaum, Judith. Solid Ground. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2006.
Armstrong, Ann Elizabeth and Kathleen Juhl. Radical Acts: Theatre and Feminist Pedagogies of Change. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2007.
Howe, LeAnne. Miko Kings: An Indian Baseball Story. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2007.
Agabian, Nancy. Me As Her Again: True Stories of an Armenian Daughter. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2008.
Hogeland, Lisa Maria and Shay Brawn. The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers: Volume Two: The 20th Century. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2008.
Grahn, Judy. The Judy Grahn Reader. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2009.
Montero, Rosa and Adrienne Mitchell. Beautiful and Dark. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2009.
Pérez, Emma. Gulf Dreams. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2009.
Scott-Coe, Jo. Teacher at Point Blank: Confronting Sexuality, Violence, and Secrets in a Suburban School. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2010.
Grahn, Judy. A Simple Revolution: The Making of an Activist Poet. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2012.
Special Projects
El Mundo Zurdo: Selected Works from the Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa, 2007 and 2009.
El Mundo Zurdo 2: Selected Works from the Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa, 2010.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea. A Failure to Communicate: Stories. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2017.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea. How to Dispatch a Human: Stories and Suggestions. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2021.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea, and Lauren Cherelle, ed. Black From the Future: A Collection of Black Speculative Writing. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2019.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea, and Lauren Cherelle, ed. Black Joy Unbound: An Anthology. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2023.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea, and Lauren Cherelle, ed. Lez Talk: A Collection of Black Lesbian Short Fiction. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2016.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea, and Lauren Cherelle, ed. Solace: Writing, Refuge, & LGBTQ Women of Color. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2017.
Gomez, Jewelle. Still Water: Poems. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2022.
Mickelbury, Penny. God’s Will and Other Lies: Stories. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2019.
Smith, Krystal A. This is Not About Love. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2021.
Smith, Krystal A. Two Moons: Stories. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2018.
Compiled by Amanda Loney.
Operated by Judith Stein
Artel, Linda J. and Susan Wengraf. Positive Images: A Guide to Non-Sexist Films for Young People. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1976.
Booklegger Magazine. On Democratizing Library Management. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1974.
Dawson, Bonnie. Women's Films in Print: An Annotated Guide to 800 16mm Films by Women. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1975.
Gidlow, Elsa. Elsa, I Come with My Songs: The Autobiography of Elsa Gidlow. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1986.
Gidlow, Elsa. Sapphic Songs: Eighteen to Eighty. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1982.
Macey, Marsie and Susie Papeman. The Whole Woman Catalog / Volume 1. Portsmouth, NH: Booklegger Press, 1971.
West, Celeste and Elizabeth Katz. Revolting Librarians. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1972.
West, Celeste and Valerie Wheat. The Passionate Perils of Publishing. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1978.
West, Celeste. Where have all the publishers gone?: gone to conglomerates every one. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1980
Booklegger Press also published Booklegger Magazine (Bookazine?), a quarterly serial, from 1973-1976.
Wood-Thompson, Susan. Crazy Quilt: Poems. Washington, DC: Crone Books, 1980
Arnold, June. Applesauce. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1977. (Original edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.)
Arnold, June. The Cook and the Carpenter: A Novel by the Carpenter. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973.
(This book was originally published with the authorial assignation: "the carpenter.")
Arnold, June. Sister Gin. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1975. Simultaneously published by London: Women's Press, 1975, 1979. Reissued by New York: Feminist Press, 1989.
Beal, M. F. Angel Dance. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1977.
Boyd, Blanche M. Nerves: A Novel. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973.
Brown, Rita Mae. Rubyfruit Jungle. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973. Reissued as a Bantam Paperback edition in 1978.
Brown, Rita Mae. In Her Day. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1976. Reissued as a Bantam paperback edition in 1978, 1988.
Burch, Pat. Early Losses. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973.
Gould, Lois. X: A Fabulous Child's Story. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1978.
Hall, Nancy Lee. A True Story of a Drunken Mother. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1974.
Harris, Bertha. Lover. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1976.
Harris, Bertha. Confessions of Cherubino. New York, NY: Daughters, 1978. (Original edition New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.)
Hobbs, May. Born to Struggle. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1975.
Lagerlöf, Selma. The Treasure. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973.
Mace, Betty Webb. You Can have It When I'm Through with It. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1976.
Marie, Linda. I Must Not Rock. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1977.
McCauley, Carole Spearin. Happenthing in Travel On. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1975. (This is the only book omitted from the books published by Daughters Inc. in Bertha Harris's introduction to a reissue of Lovers from NYU Press.)
Mortimer, Penelope. The Pumpkin Eater. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc. 1975
Nachman/Dykewomon, Elana. Riverfinger Women. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1974.
Russ, Joanna. Kittatinny: A Tale of Magic. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1978.
Singer, Freida. Daughters in High School. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1974.
Stefan, Verena. Shedding. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1978.
Wittig, Monique. The Opoponax. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1976. (This is a reissue from the 1966 edition from Simon & Schuster.)
Editor's Note: When I initially compiled the list of Daughters, Inc. publications, I used WorldCat and identified nine books. I knew there were more. The fifth issue of Sinister Wisdom yielded a longer list as did Bertha Harris's introduction to the NYU Press edition of her book Lover.
In the fifth issue of Sinister Wisdom (1978), Harriet Desmoines wrote the essay, "RETRIEVED FROM SILENCE: My Life and Times with Daughters, Inc." At the conclusion of the essay is this list of books published by Daughters, Inc.
Angel Dance by M. F. Beal $5.00
Applesauce by June Arnold $5.00
Born to Struggle by May Hobbs $3.50
The Cook and the Carpenter by the carpenter $3.50
Daughters in High School edited by Frieda Singer $4.80
Early Losses by Pat Burch $3.50
Happenthing in Travel On by Carole Spearin McCauley $4.00
I Must Not Rock by Linda Marie $5.00
In Her Day by Rita Mae Brown $4.50
Lover by Bertha Harris $4.50
Nerves by Blanche Boyd $3.50
The Opoponax by Monique Wittig $4.50
The Pumpkin Eater by Penelope Mortimer $4.00
Riverfinger Women by Elana Nachman $4.00
Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown $4.00
Sister Gin by June Arnold $4.00
The Treasure by Selma Lagerlof $3.00
A True Story of a Drunken Mother by Nancy Lee Hall $3.50
You Can have It When I'm Through with It $4.00
by Betty Webb Mace
To order: add $.50 per title handling charges; New York State residents add 7% sales tax; New York City residents add 8% sales tax.
Daughters Publishing Co., Inc.
22 Charles Street
New York, New York 10014
Brown, Rita Mae with illustrations by Sue Sellars. A Plain Brown Rapper. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1976.
Brown, Rita Mae. Songs to a handsome woman. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1973. Digitized: http://books.google.com.proxy-um.researchport.umd.edu/books?id=NE5aAAAAMAAJ
Brown, Rita Mae. The hand that cradles the rock. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1974.
Budapest, Zsuzsanna Emese, Helen Beardwomon, and Carol Clement. Selene, the most famous bull-leaper on earth. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Bunch, Charlotte and Nancy Myron. Class and feminism; a collection of essays from the Furies. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1974.
Clement, Carol and Zsuzsanna Emese Budapest. 1977 a year and a day calendar. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Cheney, Joyce and Marcia Deihl. All our lives : a women's songbook. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Czarnik, Casey and Coletta Reid. The day before : a graphic datebook of our female ancestors. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1975.
Foster, Jeannette H. Sex variant women in literature. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1975.
Gidlow, Elsa. Sapphic songs : seventeen to seventy. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Gomillion, E. Sharon. Forty acres and a mule. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1973.
Grahn, Judy. True to life adventure stories. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.
Grahn, Judy. The Work of a Common Woman. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.
Grier, Barbara and Coletta Reid. Lesbian lives: biographies of women from the Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Grier, Barbara and Coletta Reid. The Lesbians home journal : stories from the Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Grier, Barbara and Coletta Reid. The Lavender herring : lesbian essays from the Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.
Myron, Nancy and Charlotte Bunch. Lesbianism and the women's movement. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1975.
Myron, Nancy and Charlotte Bunch. Women Remembered: A Collection of Biographies from The Furies. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1974.
Parker, Pat. Movement in Black : the collected poetry of Pat Parker. [Foreword by Audre Lorde; introduction by Judy Grahn; graphics by Wendy Cadden, Irmajean, Karen Sjoholm.] Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.
Parker, Pat. Womanslaughter. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.
Raeschild, Sheila. Lessons in leaving. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1974.
Gidlow, Elsa. Sapphic Songs: Eighteen to Eighty. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1982.
Gidlow, Elsa. Makings for Meditation; A Collection of Parapoems, Reverant & Irreverant. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1973.
Gidlow, Elsa. Ask No Man Pardon: The Philosophical Significance of Being Lesbian. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1975.
Gidlow, Elsa. Moods of Eros, and Other Poems. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1972.
Gidlow, Elsa. Wise Man's Gold. A Drama in Rhythm. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Press, 1972.
Gidlow, Elsa. Shattering the Mirror. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1976.
Gidlow, Thea Singleton. Lone Dancer and Other Poems. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1975.
Ryan, Terry. Amaranth: Poetry. San Francisco, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1976.
Editors Note: Sapphic Songs: Eighteen to Eighty was distributed by Naiad Press.
Easter Day Press, based in Washington, DC, published two books.
Dykes for an Amerikan Revolution. Washington, DC: Easter Day Press, 1971.
Notes toward a Women's Analysis of Class. Washington, DC Easter Day Press, 1970.
Bergé, Carol. The Doppler Effect. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1979.
Dahlen, Beverly. A Letter at Easter: to George Stanley. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1976.
Jaffer, Frances. Any Time Now. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1977.
Kitrilakis, Thalia. Nostos. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1979.
Makcey, Mary. One Night Stand. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1976.
Moore, Honor. Leaving and Coming Back. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1981.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile. Twenty-One Love Poems. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1976.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile. Twenty-One Love Poems (2nd edition). Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1977.
Anderson, Lori. Cultivating Excess. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Barrington, Judith. History and Geography. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Barrington, Judith. Intimate Wilderness: Lesbian Writers on Sexuality. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.
Barrington, Judith. Lifesaving: A Memoir. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.
Barrington, Judith. Trying to Be an Honest Woman. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Barrington, Judith. Writing the Memoir: From Truth to Art. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.
Barrington, Judith. Writing the Memoir: From Truth to Art, Second Edition. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2002.
Bateman, Claire. Friction. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1998.
Carlisle, Andrea with Mary Narkiewicz (Illustrator). The Riverhouse Stories: How Pubah S. Queen and Lazy LaRue Save the World. Portland, OR:The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
David, Almitra. Between the Sea and Home. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Hartman, Cherry, Julie Sheldon Huffaker, and Nancy Coffelt (illustrator). The Fearless Flyer: How to fly in Comfort and Without Trepidation. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1995.
Hochman, Anndee. Everyday Acts And Small Subversions: Women Reinventing Family, Community and Home. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Klepfisz, Irena. Dreams of an Insomniac: Jewish Feminist Essays, Speeches and Diatribes. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Klepfisz, Irena. A Few Words in the Mother Tongue: Poems Selected and New (1971-1990). Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Lee, Elaine (editor). Go Girl! The Black Woman's Book of Travel and Adventure. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1997.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Steering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navigator or the Mutinous Crew. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1998.
Livia, Anna. Incidents Involving Mirth. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.
Livia, Anna. Minimax. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Mitchell, Karen. The Eating Hill. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Nye, Naomi Shihab. Words Under the Words. Portland, OR:The Eighth Mountain Press
Selected Poems, 1994.
Roy, Lucinda. The Humming Birds. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1995.
Seaton, Maureen. Fear of Subways. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Wilson, Barbara. Cows and Horses. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.
Woody, Elizabeth and Jaune Quick-to-See Smith (Illustrator). Seven Hands, Seven Hearts. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1994.
Zepatos, Thalia. Adventures in Good Company: The Complete Guide to Women's Tours and Outdoor Trips. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.
Zepatos, Thalia. Journey Of One's Own. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.
Zepatos, Thalia. A Journey of One's Own, 3rd Edition; Uncommon Advice for the Independent Woman Traveler. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2003.
Zepatos, Thalia. A Journey of One's Own (Second Edition). Uncommon Advice for the Independent Woman Traveler. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.
Spring 1985
Brant, Beth. Mohawk Trail. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Galford, Ellen. Moll Cutpurse, Her True Story: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Parker, Pat. Jonestown & Other Madness, poetry. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Fall 1985
Cliff, Michelle. The Land of Look Behind: Prose and Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Segrest, Mab. My Mama's Dead Squirrel: Lesbian Essays on Southern Culture. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Walters, Anna Lee. The Sun is Not Merciful: Short Stories. Firebrand Books, 1985.
Spring 1986
Allison, Dorothy. The Women Who Hate Me. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Bulkin, Elly, Minnie Bruce Pratt, and Barbara Smith. Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Clardy, Andrea Fleck. Words to the Wise: A Writer's Guide to Feminist and Lesbian Periodicals & Publishers. Firebrand Books (Firebrand Sparks), 1986.
Clarke, Cheryl. Living As a Lesbian (Sapphic Classic). Firebrand Books, 1986.
Devries, Rachel Guido. Tender Warriors: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Fall 1986
Bechdel, Alison. Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Morales, Aurora Levins, and Rosario Morales. Getting Home Alive. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Newman, Leslea. Good Enough to Eat: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1986.
Spring 1987
Burford, Barbara. The Threshing Floor: Short Stories. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Cotrell, Georgia. Shoulders, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1987.
McDaniel, Judith. Sanctuary, a Journey, a memoir. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Randall, Margaret. This Is About Incest, a word and images Book. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Fall 1987
Spirited Women: A Wall Calendar. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Foster, Marion. The Monarchs are Flying: A novel. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Nestlé, Joan. A Restricted Country, essays. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Patton, Cindy, and Janis Kelly. Making It: A Woman's guide to Sex in the Age of AIDS Firebrand Books (Firebrand Sparks), 1987.
Pollack, Sandra, and Jeanne Vaughn, eds. Politics of the Heart: A Lesbian Parenting Anthology. Firebrand Books, 1987.
Spring 1988
Bechdel, Alison. More Dykes to Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Galford, Ellen. The Fires of Bride, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Lorde, Audre. A Burst of Light. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Newman, Leslea. A Letter to Harvey Milk: Short Stories. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Fall 1988
Allison, Dorothy. Trash: Short Stories. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Gossett, Hattie. Presenting...Sister NOblues. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Zipter, Yvonne. Diamonds are a Dyke's Best Friend: Reflections, Reminiscences, and Reports from the Field on the Lesbian National Pastime. Firebrand Books, 1988.
Spring 1989
Brant, Beth, ed. A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Lindau, Joan. Letting in the Night. Firebrand Books, 1989.
McDaniel, Judith. Metamorphosis: Reflections on Recovery. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Youngblood, Shay. The Big Mama Stories. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Fall 1989
1990 Dykes to Watch Out For Calendar.
Brand, Dionne. Sans Souci and other stories. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Clarke, Cheryl. Humid Pitch: Narrative Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Frye, Ellen. The Other Sappho: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Robson, Ruthann. Eye of a Hurricane: Stories. Firebrand Books, 1989.
Spring 1990
Bechdel, Alison. New, Improved!: Dykes to Watch Out for, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Falbel, Rita, Irena Klepfisz, and Donna Nevel, preface by Grace Paleyeds. Jewish Women's Call for Peace: A Handbook for Jewish Women on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict (Firebrand Sparks Pamphlet #3). Firebrand Books, 1990.
Freedman, Marcia. Exile in the Promised Land: A Memoir. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Sears, Vickie. Simple Songs, stories. Firebrand Books, 1990.
January 1990
Anderson, Shelley. Out in the World: International Lesbian Organizing (Firebrand Pamphlet). Firebrand Books, 1990.
Gayle, Marilyn. Free Ride, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Gould, Janie. Beneath my Heart: Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Parker, Pat. Movement in Black. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Crime Against Nature, poetry. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Rebellion: Essays 1980-1991. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Robson, Ruthann. Cecile: Stories. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Robson, Ruthann. Eye of a Hurricane: Stories. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Williams, Jana. Scuttlebutt: A Novel.. Firebrand Books, 1990.
Spring 1991
Allison, Dorothy. The Women Who Hate Me: Poetry 1980-1990. Firebrand Books, 1991.
Brant, Beth. Food & Spirits, stories. Firebrand Books, 1991.
Healy, Eloise Klein. Artemis in Echo Park, poetry. Firebrand Books, 1991.
McDaniel, Judith. Just say Yes: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1991.
Spring 1992
Bechdel, Alison. Dykes to Watch Out for: The Sequel: Added Attraction! Serial Monogamy: A Documentary, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Foster, Marion. Legal Tender: A Mystery. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Loewenstein, Andrea Freud. The Worry Girl: Stories from a Childhood. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Park, Severna. Speaking Dreams, science fiction. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Robson, Ruthann. Lesbian (Out)Law: Survival Under the Rule of Law. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Fall 1992
1993 Dykes To Watch Out For calendar (Published in July)
Katz, Judith. Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. We Say We Love Each Other, 2nd ed. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Walters, Anna Lee. Talking Indian: Reflections on Survival and Writing. Firebrand Books, 1992.
Spring 1993
Borich, Barrie Jean. Restoring the Color of Roses. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Clardy, Andrea Fleck. Words to the Wise: A Writer's Guide to Feminist and Lesbian Periodicals & Publishers (updated edition with Bright Yellow Cover). Firebrand Books, 1993.
Feinberg, Leslie. Stone Butch Blues, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Rushin, Kate. The Black Back-Ups: Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Fall 1993
1994 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar (July)
Alden, Joan. Before Our Eyes: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Bechdel, Alison. Spawn of Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Clarke, Cheryl. Experimental Love: Poetry. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Gomez, Jewelle. Forty-Three Septembers: Essays. Firebrand Books, 1993.
Spring 1994
Allison, Dorothy. Skin: Talking about Sex, Class, and Literature. Firebrand Books, 1994.
McMahon. Staying the Distance: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1994.
Smukler, Linda. Normal Sex. Firebrand Books, 1994.
Fall 1994
1995 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar
Cadora, Karen. Stardust Bound, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1994.
Rose, Wendy. Now Poof She is Gone, poetry. Firebrand Books, 1994.
Sprecher, Lorrie. Sister Safety Pin: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1994.
Spring 1995
Brenner, Claudia, and Hannah Ashley. Eight Bullets: One Woman's Story of Surviving Anti-Gay Violence. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. S/He. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Steingraber, Sandra. Post-Diagnosis. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Fall 1995
1996 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar
Bechdel, Alison. Unnatural Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Glamuzina, Julie, and Alison J. Laurie. Parker & Hulme: a Lesbian View, introduction by B. Ruby Rich. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Gomez, Jewelle. Oral Tradition: Selected Poems Old & New. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Koger, Catherine. Horseshoe Sky: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1995.
Fall 1996
1997 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar
Levin, Jennifer. Love and Death & Other Disasters: Stories 1977-1995. Firebrand Books, 1996.
Mirosevich, Toni. The Rooms We Make Our Own. Firebrand Books, 1996.
Scholder, Amy, ed. Cookin' with Honey, What Literary Lesbians Eat. Firebrand Books, 1996.
Spring 1997
Bechdel, Alison. Hot, Throbbing Dykes to Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Hucklenbroich, Frankie. A Crystal Diary: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Katz, Judith. The Escape Artist, a novel. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Fall 1997
LaFavor, Carole. Evil Dead Center, a mystery. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Moraga, Cherrie. Waiting in the Wings: Portrait of a Queer Motherhood. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Wilchins, Riki Anne. Read My Lips: Sexual Subversion and the End of Gender. Firebrand Books, 1997.
Spring 1998
Bechdel, Alison. The Indelible Alison Bechdel: Confessions, Comix, and Miscellaneous Dykes to Watch Out For. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Clarke, Caro. The Wolf Ticket: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Gomez, Jewelle. Don't Explain, short fiction. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Fall 1998
Bechdel, Alison. Split-Level Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Brownrigg, Elizabeth. Falling to Earth: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1998.
Karlsberg, Michele, and Karen X. Tulchinsky, eds. To Be Continued. . . . Firebrand Books, 1998.
Spring 1999
Allegra, Donna, Angela Y. Davis, Toi Derricotte, Jewelle Gomez, Audre Lorde, Michelle Parkerson, Ann Allen Shockley, Barbara Smith, Pamela Sneed, and Evelyn C. White. Celebrations/Remembrances/Tributes. Firebrand Books, 1999.
Karlsberg, Michele, and Karen X. Tulchinsky, eds. To Be Continued: Take Two. Firebrand Books, 1999.
Livia, Anna. Bruised Fruit: A Novel. Firebrand Books, 1999.
Parker, Pat. Movement in Black, introduction by Cheryl Clarke. Firebrand Books, 1999.
Ballard, Nancer. Dead Reckoning. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets Press, 1978.
Borawski, Walta. Sexually Dangerous Poet. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1984.
Byrd, Stephanie. 25 Years of Malcontent. Boston: The Good Gay Poets, 1976.
Dickenson, George-Thérèse, 1951- . Striations. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1976.
Eberly, David. What Has Been Lost: Poems. Boston, MA: The Good Gay Poets, 1982.
Farinella, Salvatore. The Orange Telephone: The San Francisco Experience: Poems. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets Books, 1975.
Farinella, Salvatore. Night Blooming: [about Allyn Amundson]. Boston, MA: The Good Gay Poets, 1976.
Greenfield, Freddie. Amusement Business and Then Some: Poems. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1976.
Kenny, Maurice, 1929- . Only as far as Brooklyn. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1979.
Kuras, Pat M. The Pinball Player. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets?, 1982.
Shively, Charley. Nuestra Señora de los Dolores: the San Francisco experience. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1975.
Stanford, Adrian. Black & Queer. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets Press, 1977.
Weiss, Ruth (1928-). Desert Journal. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1977.
Wieners, John, 1934-2002. Playboy. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1972.
Wieners, John, 1934-2002. Behind the State Capitol, or, Cincinnati Pike: a collection of poetry. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1975.
Weiners, John, 1934-2002. We were there! ... a gay presence at the Democratic convention. Boston : Good Gay Poets, 1972.
Shurin, Aaron, 1947- . Exorcism of the straight/man/demon. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets Press, 1972.
Editors Notes: Good Gay Poets: taste & try hot publications. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1975. This appears to be a flyer at the archives at the University of Kansas.
In Gay & Lesbian Poetry In Our Time, editor Carl Morse says that "The Boston Gay Liberation Front generated both the radical magazine Fag Rag . . .and a publishing operation, Good Gay Poets, which, since 1972, has issued an important series of poetry books by lesbians and gay men" (Morse & Larkin, xviii.)
Anglesey, Zoë. Ixok amar·go: poesía de mujeres centroamericanas por la paz /Central American women's poetry for peace. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1987.
Gates, Bea. Shooting at Night: Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1980.
Lane, Rosa. Roots and Reckonings: Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1980.
Larkin, Joan. A Long Sound: A Book of Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1986.
Paley, Grace. Leaning Forward: Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press 1985.
Paley, Grace. Goldenrod. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1982.
Valentine, Jean. Forces: To Raphael, Angel of Happy Meeting. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1982.
Loftin, Elouise. Barefoot Necklace: Pome. Brooklyn, NY: Jamima House Press, 1975.
Florence, Sandy. Recital. San Francisco: Jungle Press, 1978.
Jones, Stephanie and Suzanne Korey. The Midnight Sun: Stories and Poems on Old Age. San Francisco: Jungle Press, 1978.
Kantner, Carol. Roughly Chronological: Poems. San Francisco: Jungle Press, 1976.
Mattie, D. Pat. No Lies, No More, Not Now. San Francisco: Jungle Press, 1975.
Mimski, Elizabeth. Tongue. San Francisco, CA: Jungle Press, 1975.
O’Neill, William, translator. Augustine: Philosophical Texts, a selection. San Francisco, CA: Jungle Press, 1975.
O’Neill, William, translator. Augustine Aesthetics. San Francisco, CA: Jungle Press, 1975.
Aguilar, Mila D. A comrade is as precious as a rice seedling. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1987.
Clarke, Cheryl. Narratives: poems in the tradition of Black women. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983.
Combahee River Collective. The Combahee River Collective statement: Black Feminist organizing in the seventies and eighties. Albany, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1986.
Davis, Angela Y. Violence against women and the ongoing challenge to racism. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1985.
Gómez, Alma and Cherríe Moraga. Cuentos: stories by Latinas. New York, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983.
Hull, Gloria T. Healing heart: poems, 1973-1988. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1989.
Lorde, Audre. Need: a chorale for black woman voices. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1990.
Lorde, Audre. I am your sister: Black women organizing across sexualities. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1985.
Lorde, Audre and Merle Woo. Apartheid U.S.A. / freedom organizing in the eighties. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1986.
Moraga, Cherríe and Gloria Anzaldúa. This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color. New York, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983.
Omolade, Barbara. It's a family affair: the real lives of black single mothers. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1986.
Smith, Barbara. Home girls: a Black feminist anthology. New York, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983.
Yamada, Mitsuye. Desert run: poems and stories. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1988.
Yamada, Mitsuye. Camp notes and other poems. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1992.
Yamamoto, Hisaye. Seventeen syllables and other stories. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1988.
The Freedom Organizing Pamphlet Series
The Freedom Organizing Pamphlet Series presents current issues, strategies, and resources focusing upon the political concerns of women of color in a highly accessible format. Each pamphlet includes a Resource Listing of organizations and publications and comes individually shrink-wrapped with a wearable button reflecting the pamphlet's theme. The Freedom Organizing Series provides a much needed antidote to the repression of the eighties.
#1: The Combahee River Collective Statement: Black Feminist Organizing in the Seventies and Eighties. With a new Foreword by Barbara Smith.
This classic articulation of Black feminist theory and practice, has been anthologized in numerous collections and is now available for the first time in pamphlet form. (Includes button: BLACK FEMINISM LIVES!)
$3.25 paper, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 28 pages ISBN 0-913175-05-6
#2 Apartheid U.S.A. by Audre Lorde and Our Common Enemy, Our Common Cause: Freedom Organizing in the Eighties by Merle Woo.
An African American and an Asian American poet make the connections between South African apartheid and North American racism. Woo chronicles the divestment movement at the University of California, Berkeley, and the wide-ranging coaltions that have grown out of student anti-apartheid organizing. (includes button: NO TO APARTHEID, NO TO RACISM)
$3.50 paper, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 28 pages ISBN 0-913175-06-4
#3 I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities by Audre Lorde.
The international acclaimed author challenges homophobia as a divisive force, particularly among Black women.
(Includes button: Universal NO symbol slashed across HOMOPHOBIA)
$2.95 paper, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 12 pages ISBN 0-913175-07-2
#4 It's a Family Affair: The Real Lives of Black Single Mothers by Barbara Omolade.
In her article which originally appeared in The Village Voice, omolade, a teacher, activist, and Black single mother, provides a factual and supportive look at the challenges that Black single mothers face and offers some practical strategies for change.
(Includes button: Black Single Mothers: We Are Family)
$3.50, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 16 pages, ISBN 0-913175-10-2
#5 Violence Against Women and teh Ongoing Challenge to Racism by Angela Y. Davis.
Scholar and activist, Davis analyzes the complex racial history of rape in this country and why race and class, as well as gender oppression, must be eradicated in order to end violence against women.
(Includes button: Fight Racism, Fight Rape)
$3.50 paper, 20 pages, ISBN 0-913175-11-0
Hunger, Rebecca and Susan Edwards. Proud an[d] Queer. Chicago: Lavender Press, 1972.
Hunter, Rebecca and Susan S. M. Edwards. Thunder from the Earth: an anthology of poetry and graphics. Chicago: Lavender Press, 1973.
Kuda, Marie J. Women Loving Women: A Select and Annotated Bibliography of Women Loving Women in Literature. Chicago: Lavender Press, 1974.
Scott, Claudia. Portrait. Chicago: Lavender Press, 1974.
Editor's Note: In Women Loving Women, Lavender Press announced a forthcoming book, Like Violets Love Due, poetry by Rebecca Hunter and Graphics by Rock. I don't believe that this book was published, but am happy to hear reports that it was.
Holland-Moore, Anah, Ardella Tibby, Barbary Clarke, Cathy Wheel, Claudia Huber, Jean Taylor, Lorraine Le Plastrier, Rosalinda Rayne. Willing Up and Keeling Over: A Lesbian Handbook of Death Rights and Rituals. Melbourne: Long Breast Press, 2007.
Olivares, Esther. Esther’s Nine Lives. Long Breast Press.
Tibby, Ardy, Barbary Clarke, Claudia Huber, Jean Taylor and Rosalinda Rayne, editors. Lesbians Write On: A Celebration of Contemporary Australian Lesbian Writing. Melbourne: Long Breast Press.
Bulkin, Elly, Minnie Bruce Pratt and Barbara Smith. Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1984.
Clausen, Jan. A Movement of Poets: Thoughts on Poetry and Feminism. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1982.
Allison, Dorothy. The Women Who Hate Me. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1983.
Clausen, Jan. Waking at the Bottom of the Dark. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1979.
McDaniel, Judith. Metamorphosis, and Other Poems of Recovery. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1986.
Shannon, Edna Wright. Twentieth Century Pioneer. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1987.
Alta. True Story: Prose. Oakland, CA: Mama's Press, 1973.
Boucher, Sandy. Assaults & Rituals: Stories. Oakland, CA: Mama's Press, 1975.
Crider, Brenda. Schizophrenia and Other Diatribes. Oakland, CA: Mama's Press 1970.
Gardner-Loulan, JoAnn. Period. Burlingame, CA: My Mama's Press, 1979.
Griffin, Susan. Let Them Be Said. Berkeley, CA: Mama's Press, 1973.
Holt, Laura Wharton. Mid Day Moon. Berkeley,? CA: Mama's Press?, 1974
Mackey, Mary. Split Ends: Poems. Oakland, CA: Mama's Press, 1974.
Editor Note: The WorldCat entry for the Holt book is uncertain about the publisher and I have not examined a copy of the book. I am uncertain if the book by Gardner-Loulan is from Mama's Press or a different press.
Nachman/Dykewomon, Elana and Laura K. Vera (illustrator?). They will know me by my teeth : stories and poems of lesbian struggle, celebration, and survival. Northhampton, MA: Megaera Press, 1976.
The Rock. Northampton, MA: Megaera Press, 1977.
Editor's Note: I read that Mother Jones Press was a precursor to Megaera Press. I have recorded the three books that I have found from Mother Jones Press below.
Sostre, Martin and Zoe Best. Letters and quotations. Northhampton, MA: Mother Jones Press, 1975.
Quarterly Journal: The Second wave. Boston, MA: Mother Jones Press, 1971-
Emrys, Barbara. Wild Women Don’t Get the Blues: Stories. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1977.
Johnson, Christine Leslie and Arny Christine Straayer. A Book of One’s Own: Guide to Self-Publishing. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1979.
Madden, Muriel Goldenson. On the Wire, Stretched with Power. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1978.
Ressmeyer, Georgia Jo. Bernice: A Comedy in Letters. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1984.
Sheen, Barbara. Shedevils: Stories. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1978.
Stern, Linda Johnson, Tio, Valerie Pinkerton. The Secret Witch; and, They Met the Who-Ever-It Was. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1979.
Straayer, Arny Christine. Hurtin & Healin & Talking It Over. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1980.
Straayer, Arny Christin. Momma Used to Hum to Me. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1978.
Ortiz, Roxanne Dunbar. The Great Sioux Nation: Sitting in Judgment on America. San Francisco: American Indian Treaty Council Information Center, Moon Books, 1977.
Forest, Eva. From a Spanish Prison (originally published as Diario y cartas desde la cárcel). Berkeley: Moon Books [New York: distributed by Random House], 1975.
Rush, Anne Kent. The Basic Back Book. Berkeley: Moon Books [New York: distributed by Simon & Schuster], 1979.
Mander, Anica Vesel. Blood Ties: A Woman's History. Berkeley: Moon Books [New York: distributed by Random House], 1976.
Winter, Nina. Interview with the Muse: Remarkable Women Speak on Creativity and Power. Berkeley: Moon Books, 1978.
Bryant, Dorothy. The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You. Berkeley: Moon Books, 1971 [New York: distributed by Random House], 1971. [This book was reissued in 1997 by Random House.]
Galana, Laurel and Gina Covina. The New Lesbians: Interviews with Women across the U.S. and Canada. Berkeley: Moon Books [Westminster, MD: distributed by Random House], 1977
Spretnak, Charlene. Lost Goddesses of Early Greece: A Collection of Pre-Hellenic Mythology. Berkeley: Moon Books [Washington distributed by Women in Distribution], 1978.
Editor's Note: I am interested in how Moon Press did its distribution. If anyone reading this is familiar with Moon Press and its operations, please contact me at JulieREnszer at gmail dot com.
Motheroot Journal. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1979-1985. Quarterly Publication (every 3 months)
Kaye, Melanie. We Speak in Code: Poems and Other Writings. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1980
Ippolito, Donna. The Uprising of the 20,000. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1979.
Petesch, Natalie L.M. The Odyssey of Katinou Kalokovich: A Novel. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot, 1979.
Perish, Melanie. Notes of a Daughter from the Old Country. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1978.
Rich, Adrienne Cecile. Women and Honor: Some Notes on Lying. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, Pittsburgh Women Writers, 1977
Scott, Virginia. The Witness Box: Poems and a Memoir. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1984.
Scott, Virginia. Toward Appomattox and Other Poems. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1992.
Tanenhaus, Beverly. To Know Each Other and Be Known: Women's Writing Workshops. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1978.
Villanueva, Alma. Mother, May I? (Poems). Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1978
Susan Sherman, whose recent memoir, America's Child (Curbstone Press, 2007), published a collection of poetry with Mulch Press and was the editor of IKON.
Mulch. New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1971- (Quarterly).
Aliesan, Jody. Soul Claiming: Poems. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1975.
Blackburn, Paul. Halfway Down the Coast: Poems & Snapshots. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1975.
García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936.; Blackburn, Paul. Lorca/Blackburn. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1976.
Ginsberg, Allen. The Visions of the Great Rememberer. Amherst, MA: Mulch Press, 1974.
Glotzer, David. Do Not He Said Be Embarrassed About Fear. New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.
Lewis, Harry. Home Cooking: Poems. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1975.
Lewis, Harry. Will You Be My Valentine? Cooper Station, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.
Oppenheimer, Joel. Pan's Eyes: Stories. Amherst, MA: Mulch Press, 1974.
Peire, Vidal. Peire Vidal. New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1972.
Pines, Paul. Onion: Poems. New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1972.
Porter, T.E. King's Day: A Novella. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1975.
Sherman, Susan. With Anger/With Love; Selections: Poems & Prose (1963-1972). Amherst, MA: Mulch Press, 1974.
Stark, Bradford. Always Modern Times. Cooper Station, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.
Stephens, Michael Gregory. Paragraphs. Amherst, MA: Mulch Press, 1974.
Vas Dias, Robert. Nights in the Gardens of New Jersey. Cooper Station, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.
Yakovenko, P. Where is my aunt Anna? New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.
Carol, Chris. Rainbow Warrior Woman: Songs to Celebrate Life on Earth; Songs for Lovers; Songs for Keeping the Peace; Songs for Women. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1983.
Carol, Chris. Silver Wheel: Songs of Womanspirit, for Seasons and Circles. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1979.
Mountaingrove, Ruth. Celebrations: Feminist Songs for Solstice and Equinox, Menarche and Menopause. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1982 (sound recording).
Mountaingrove, Ruth. For Those Who Cannot Sleep: Poems. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1977.
Mountaingrove, Ruth and Jean Mountain Grove. Turned On Woman Songbook. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1975.
New Woman Press also distributed the following titles:
Zana. Herb Womon: Poems and Art. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1983 (distributor.)
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. The Sound of One Fork. Durham, NC: Night Heron Press, 1981.
Segrest, Mab. Living in a House I Do Not Own. Durham, NC: Night Heron Press, 1982.
Onlywomen Press
run by Lillian and Sheila
Out & Out Books Bibliography – Chronological Order
Bulkin, Elly and Joan Larkin. Amazon Poetry: An Anthology of Lesbian Poetry. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975.
Larkin, Joan. Housework: Poems. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975.
Clausen, Jan. After Touch. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975.
Klepfisz, Irena. Periods of Stress: poems. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975, 1977.
Goodman, Bernice. The Lesbian: A Celebration of Difference. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977.
Sherman, Susan. Women Poems, Love Poems. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977.*
*Out & Out Books distributed Sherman’s Women Poems, Love Poems though they were not involved in the printing and publishing of the book.
Lapidus, Jacqueline. Starting Over: Poetry. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977.
Smith, Barbara. Toward a Black Feminist Criticism. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977, 1980. (chapbook)
Rich, Adrienne. The Meaning of Our Love For Women Is What We Have Constantly to Expand. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977. (chapbook)
Broumas, Olga. From Caritas: Poem 3. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978. (broadside)
Kaye, Melanie. Carrington. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978. (broadside)
Jordan, June and Lynne Reynolds. Unemployment: monologue. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978. (broadside)
Newman, Felice and Ellen Weiss. Frances Holt. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978. (broadside)
Tanenhaus, Beverly. To know each other and be known: women's writing workshops. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978.
Lorde, Audre. Uses of the erotic: the erotic as power. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978, 1982. (chapbook)
Cook, Blanche Wiesen. Women and support networks. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1979.
Creighton, Jane. Ceres in an open field. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1980.
Russ, Joanna. On strike against God. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1980.
Hacker, Marilyn. Taking notice. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1980. (chapbook)
Radio interview with Out & Out Books Poets and Writers
Allen, Roberta. The Dreaming Girl. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Allen, Roberta. The Traveling Woman: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000, 1986.
Baran, Susan. The Necessary Boat. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Black, Star. Balefire. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Black, Star. October for Idas. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.
Carey, Tom. Desire: poems, 1986-1996. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.
de la Cruz, Sister Juana Inés, 1651-1695.; Joan Larkin, and Jaime Manrique. Sor Juana's love poems = poemas de amor: a bilingual edition. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.
DeLynn, Jane. Bad Sex is Good: Fiction and Essays. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
DeLynn, Jane. Don Juan in the village. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
DeLynn, Jane. In Thrall. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
DeLynn, Jane. New York Sex: Stories. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
Derrick, Neil and Edward Field. The Villagers: A Novel of Greenwich Village. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Enson, Beth. A Bee in the Sheets: Poems. Hudson, NY: Groundwater Press; New York: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Ely, Stanley E. Perfect Mondays: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Field, Edward and Neil Derrick. The Villagers. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Gates, Bea. In the Open: Poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
Georgiou, Elena. Mercy Mercy Me: Poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Guerra, Erasmo. Between Dances: A Novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Guerra, Erasmo. Latin Lovers: True Stories of Latin Men in Love. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Gibson, Scott. Blood & Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Hansbury, Griffin. Day for Night: poems, 1993-1999. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Harris, Paul. The Queer Press Guide 2000. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Holland, Walter. Transatlantic. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Jacoby, Richard. Conversations with the Capeman: the untold story of Salvador Agron. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Killian, Kevin. I Cry like a Baby. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Kostos, Dean. The Sentence that Ends with a Comma,. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Kostos, Dean and Eugene Grygo. Mama's Boy: Gay Men Write about Their Mothers. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.
Larkin, Joan. Cold River: Poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.
Lassell, Michael. Certain Ecstasies. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Lassell, Michael. A flame for the touch that matters: poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
Lassell, Michael. Men Seeking Men: Adventures in Gay Personals. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
Lazarre, Jane. The powers of Charlotte: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000, 1987.
Lazarre, Jane. Worlds Beyond My Control: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000, 1991.
Martin, Iris. The President's Psychoanalyst: A Novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Manrique, Jaime. Colombian Gold: a thriller. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
Manrique, Jaime. Twilight at the Equator: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999, 1997.
Manrique, Jaime and Jesse Dorris. Bésame mucho. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Manrique, Jaime, Edith Grossman, and Eugene Richie. My Night with Federico García Lorca /Mi noche con Federico García Lorca. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.
Manrique, Jaime, Margaret Sayers Peden, Edith Grossman, and others. Tarzan; My Body; Christopher Columbus. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Pearlberg, Gerry Gomez. Mr. Bluebird. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Ransohoff, Rita M. Fear and Envy: why men need to dominate and control women. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Richie, Eugene. Island Light: poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.
Schmidt, Paul. Night Life. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1996.
Schmidt, Paul. Winter Solstice. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1996.
Wasserman, Rosanne. Other Selves. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Westmoreland, Joe. Tramps Like Us. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.
Xavier, Emanuel. Christ-like. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
Corinne, Tee. Ancestors and descendants of George Meares and Louisa Maria Jeffreys: Wales, New Zealand, India, and Florida. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 1997
Corinne, Tee. Closures: poems. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2002
Corinne, Tee. Cunt Coloring Book: Drawings. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild Productions, 1975.
Corinne, Tee. Bill Doody: A Literary Friendship, Text Poems and Drawings. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1994, 1998.
Corinne, Tee. A First Book of Landscape Drawings. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 2001.
Corinne, Tee. The graphic art of Jessie Meares. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2000
Corinne, Tee. In the presence or absence of music: poems. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1998
Corinne, Tee. The Little Houses on Women's Lands: Feminism, Photography, and Vernacular Architecture. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2002
Corinne, Tee. Outside inside: a self-portrait. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1998.
Corinne, Tee. Predators. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1998.
Corinne, Tee. San Francisco Haircut, 1975: Radical Imaginings and Lesbian Feminist Photography. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2002.
Corinne, Tee. Self-portrait. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1991.
Corinne, Tee. A Sense of Place: Poems. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 2003
Corinne, Tee. The Sex Lives of Daffodils: Growing Up as an Artist who also Writes. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1994, 1997.
Corinne, Tee. Softies: drawings. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1999
Corinne, Tee. What difference does poetry make? Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1996, 1998.
Corinne, Tee. Wild Crazy Poems. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2002.
Corinne, Tee. Wild Lesbian Roses: Essays on Art, Rural Living, and Creativity, 1986-1995. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1997, 2003.
Corinne, Tee. Women Who Loved Women: Posters. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1984.
Corinne, Tee. Woodstoves: drawings. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 2001
Corinne, Tee with Harry E. F. Atkins and Jessie Meares. The Woozle that Wasn't; and, The witch that went off "pop": stories. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 1997.
Corinne, Tee with Norma Jean Coleman. Mean Norma Jean: autobiographical writing and oral history of Norma Jean Coleman. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1996.
Corinne, Tee with Norma Jean Colman. Norma Jean and Phyllis Ann: A Scrapbook. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1998.
Corinne, Tee with Tamsin Wilton. Intimacies (a book proposal): erotic art. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 2000.
Courtot, Martha. Tribe. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1977.
Courtot, Martha. Journey. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1977.
Overman, Caroline. Scholar in Hot Pursuit: Essays from WomanSpirit 1978-1982. Sunny Valley, OR: Pearlchild, 1983.
Seajay, Carol. Visual Conceptions: dyke cream/eye to eye: two slide shows. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1980.
Beck, Evelyn Torton. Nice Jewish girls: a lesbian anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982.
Bloch, Alice. The law of return: a novel. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1983.
Bloch, Alice. Lifetime guarantee: a journey through loss and survival. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.
Blue, Shelley. The fourteenth witch: poetry. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1977.
Bulkin, Elly. Lesbian fiction: an anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.
Bulkin, Elly and Joan Larkin. Lesbian poetry, an anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.
Cliff, Michelle. Claiming an identity they taught me to despise. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980.
Gage, Matilda Joslyn, 1826-1898. Woman, church & state: the original exposé of male collaboration against the female sex. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980, 1893.
Gearhart, Sally Miller. The wanderground: stories of the hill women. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1978, 1979. The Wanderground is available as a PDF download from Gearhart's website: http://www.sallymillergearhart.net/pdfs/TheWanderground-ebook.pdf
Gearhart, Sally, Miller and Susan Rennie. A feminist tarot. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1977, 1981. A Feminist Tarot is available as a PDF download from Gearhart's website: http://www.sallymillergearhart.net/pdfs/A-Feminist-Tarot.pdf
Klepfisz, Irena. Keeper of accounts. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982.
Lorde, Audre. Zami, a new spelling of my name. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982.
Moraga, Cherríe and Gloria Anzaldúa. This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.
Toder, Nancy. Choices. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980.
Wolfe, Susan J. and Julia Penelope. The coming out stories. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980.
Archival Material from Persephone Press
Persephone Press was founded in 1976 in Watertown, Massachusetts, by a lesbian-feminist collective called Pomegranate Productions. Its first publication, The Feminist Tarot, helped subsidize the first National Women's Spirituality Conference, Through the Looking Glass, held in Boston in April 1976. The goal of Persephone Press was to produce innovative material to foster lesbian sensibility and to effect social change by building a successful publishing company and communications network. Two of its three founders, Gloria Z. Greenfield and Pat McGloin, served as financial administrator and director of marketing respectively. Persephone Press was sold to Beacon Press in 1983.
Polly Joan and Andrea Chesman in the Guide to Women's Publishing (Paradise, CA: Dustbooks, 1978) note that Persephone Press was "marketing six books at the moment." Those six books were A Feminist Tarot, The Feminist Book of Lights and Shadows (by Z. Budapest), Through the Looking Glass, Susan B. Anthony Coven No. 1, The Beguines, Moondance, and The Fourteenth Witch. Of these, Persephone Press published A Feminist Tarot and The Fourteenth Witch. I believe other publishers published the other books and Persephone Press was marketing them.
Van Felix-Wilde, Martha and Lucy Van Felix-Wilde. The Ripening Fig. West Hempstead, NY: Porpoise Press, 1975.
Cameron, Karen, and Corrective Collective (Group). If He Didn’t Laugh, He’d Cry [an Excerpt from the Book “She "Named It Canada, Because That’s What It Was Called” by the Corrective Collective, Karen Cameron, and Others]. 3rd rev. edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1972
Vancouver Women’s Health Collective. A Vancouver Women’s Health Booklet. Press Gang Publishers, 1972.
Woman’s Place. A Vancouver Women’s Health Booklet. 2d edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1972.
Cameron, Karen, and Corrective Collective (Group). She Named It Canada, Because That’s What It Was Called. [By the Corrective Collective, Karen Cameron, and Others.]. 3rd rev. edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1973.
Cohen, Marcy, et al. Cuz There Ain’t No Daycare (or Almost None She Said): A Book About Daycare in B.C. Press Gang Publishers, 1973.
Frank, K. Portland. The Anti-Psychiatry Bibliography and Resource Guide. Press Gang Publishers, 1974.
Baker, Phyllis. Fishmarket & Other Poems. Press Gang Publishers, 1975.
Kellerhals-Stewart, Heather, and Karen Muntean. Muktu, the Backward Muskox. Press Gang Publishers, 1975.
Smith, Dorothy E., and Sara J. David. Women Look at Psychiatry. Press Gang Publishers, 1975.
Jankola, Beth. Jody Said. Press Gang Publishers, 1977.
Video Inn, and Satellite Video Exchange Society. Video Inn Videotape Catalogue. Press Gang Publishers, 1977.
Beebe, Janet, and Vancouver Status of Women. Update on the Status of Women in British Columbia. Press Gang Publishers, 1978.
Ainsworth, Jackie. An Account to Settle : The Story of the United Bank Workers. Press Gang Publishers, 1979.
Bank Book Collective (Vancouver, B.C.). An Account to Settle : The Story of the United Bank Workers (SORWUC). Press Gang Publishers, 1979.
Portland Frank, K. The Anti-Psychiatry Bibliography and Resource Guide: Second Edition, Revised & Expanded. 2nd rev. edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1979.
Berge, Marilyn. Common Ground: Stories by Women. Press Gang Publishers, 1980.
Diamond, Sara. Women’s Labour History in British Columbia: A Bibliography, 1930-1948. Press Gang Publishers, 1980.
Briskin, Linda, et al. The Day the Fairies Went on Strike! Press Gang Publishers, 1981.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1981.
Hughes, Nym, et al. Stepping out of Line: A Workbook on Lesbianism and Feminism. Press Gang Publishers, 1982.
Van de Walle, Elly. Falling from Grace. Press Gang Publishers, 1984.
Blackbridge, Persimmon, and Sheila Gilhooly. Still Sane. Press Gang Publishers, 1985.
Blackbridge, Persimmon and Sheila Gilhoody. Still Sane. Press Gang Publishers, 1985.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 8th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1985.
Ellis, Megan. Surviving Procedures after a Sexual Assault. 3rd edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1986.
Potrebenko, Helen. Sometimes They Sang. Press Gang Publishers, 1986.
Adelberg, Ellen. Too Few to Count: Canadian Women in Conflict with the Law. Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 11th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 11th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
Cohen, Marcy, et al. Taking Control of Our Future: Clerical Workers and New Technology. Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. Large Print Book. 12th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 1988.
Chrystos. I Am Not Your Princess [an Excerpt from the Book “Not Vanishing”]. Press Gang Publishers, 1988.
Chrystos. Not Vanishing. Press Gang Publishers, 1988.
Jacob, Suzanne. Life, after All. Press Gang Publishers, 1989.
Women’s Research Centre (Vancouver, B.C.). Recollecting Our Lives : Women’s Experience of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Press Gang Publishers, 1989.
Brant, Beth. Food & Spirits: Stories by Beth Brant (Degonwadonti). Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 14th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Chrystos. Shame On. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Lee, Sky and Telling It Book Collective (Vancouver, B.C.). Telling It: Women and Language across Cultures. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Maracle, Lee. Sojourner’s Truth and Other Stories. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Warland, Betsy. Proper Deafinitions: Collected Theorograms. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Williams, Jana L. Scuttlebutt. Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
Arnott, Joanne. Wiles of Girlhood. Press Gang Publishers, 1991.
Chrystos. Dream On. Press Gang Publishers, 1991.
Stewart, Susan, et al. Drawing the Line : Lesbian Sexual Politics on the Wall. Press Gang Publishers, 1991.
Warland, Betsy, editor. InVersions : Writing by Dykes, Queers & Lesbians. Press Gang Publishers, 1991.
Arnott, Joanne. My Grass Cradle. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 17th printing, Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Creese, Gillian Laura, et al. British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Crossland, Jackie. Collateral Damage: The Tragedy of Medea. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
D’Anna, Lynnette. sing me no more. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Decter, Ann. Paper, Scissors, Rock. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Dueck, Lynnette. Sing Me No More. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Grossland, Jackie. Collateral Damage. Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
Adelberg, Ellen, and Claudia Currie. In Conflict with the Law: Women and the Canadian Justice System. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Chrystos. In Her I Am. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Faith, Karlene. Unruly Women: The Politics of Confinement and Resistance. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 2nd printing. Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Mootoo, Shani. Out on Main Street & Other Stories. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
Blackbridge, Persimmon, et al. Her Tongue on My Theory: Images, Essays and Fantasies. Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Bociurkiw, Marusya. The Woman Who Loved Airports: Stories and Narratives. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Kiss & Tell (Group of artists). Her Tongue on My Theory: Images, Essays and Fantasies. Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Lee, Sky. Bellydancer: Stories. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 4th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Silvera, Makeda. Her Head a Village and Other Stories. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Stonehouse, Cathy. The Words I Know. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
Beckylane. Where the Rivers Join: A Personal Account of Healing from Ritual Abuse. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Chrystos. Fire Power. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Douglas, Marion K. Bending at the Bow. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Douglas, Marion K., et al. iction Sampler 1995 : Excerpts from Three Exciting New Novels. Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Fuller, Janine, et al. Restricted Entry: Censorship on Trial. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
McLaughlin, Karen. Choral: A Novel. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1995.
Blackbridge, Persimmon. Sunnybrook: A True Story with Lies. Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Decter, Ann. Honour: A Novel. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Lai, Larissa. When Fox Is a Thousand. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Maracle, Lee. I Am Woman: A Native Perspective on Sociology and Feminism. 2nd rev. edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Mootoo, Shani. Cereus Blooms at Night. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Richler, Nancy. Throwaway Angels. 1st edn., Press Gang Publishers, 1996.
Baxter, Sheila. Still Raising Hell: Poverty, Activism and Other True Stories. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Blackbridge, Persimmon. Prozac Highway: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Jones, Lizard. Two Ends of Sleep: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 5th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Nachman/Dykewomon, Elana. Beyond the Pale: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Norgate, Sheila. Storm Clouds over Party Shoes : Etiquette for the Ill-Bred Woman. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Shimrat, Irit. Call Me Crazy : Stories from the Mad Movement. Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. Press Gang Publishers, 1998.
Coyote, Ivan E. Boys Like Her. Press Gang Publishers, 1998.
Tulchinsky, Karen X. Love Ruins Everything: A Novel. Press Gang Publishers, 1998.
Wong, Rita. Monkeypuzzle: Poems. Press Gang Publishers, 1998.
Maracle, Lee. Sojourners and Sundogs First Nations Fiction. Press Gang Publishers, 1999.
Douglas, Marion K. Magic Eight Ball. Press Gang Publishers, 2000.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 6th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 2000.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 7th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 2001.
Krawczyk, Betty Shiver. Lock Me up or Let Me Go: The Protests, Arrest, and Trial of an Environmental Activist. Press Gang Publishers, 2002.
Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 8th printing. Press Gang Publishers, 2002.
Smith, Paul Thomas. High Seas & Quiet Harbors: The Life and Times of Thomas William Whitaker. Press Gang Publishers, 2016.
Compiled by Ruby Stefanucci
Bashir, Samiya. Gospel: poems. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2009.
Bashir, Samiya. Where the Apple Falls: poems. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2005.
Beam, Joseph (ed.). In the Life. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2008.
Branner, Djola. sash & trim and other plays. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2013.
Bridgforth, Sharon. love conjure/blues. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2004.
Bridgforth, Sharon. the bull-jean stories. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 1998.
De Veaux, Alexis. Yabo. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2014.
Etaghene, Yvonne Fly Onakeme. For Sizakele. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2015.
Fullwood, Steven G. (ed.) and Moore, Lisa C. (ed.). Carry the Word: A Bibliography of Black LGBTQ Books. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press and New York City, NY: Vintage Entity Press, 2007.
Hardy, Ernest. Blood Beats: Vol. 1. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2006.
Hardy, Ernest. Blood Beats: Vol. 2. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2008.
Hemphill, Essex (ed.) and Beam, Joseph (ed.). Brother to Brother: New Writing by Black Gay Men. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2007.
James, G. Winston (ed.) and Moore, Lisa C. (ed.). Spirited. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2006.
James, G. Winston (ed.) and Other Countries (ed.). Voices Rising. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2007.
Lara, Ana-Maurine. Erzulie’s Skirt. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2006.
Lara, Ana-Maurine. Kohnjehr Woman. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2017.
Moore, Lisa C. (ed.). does your mama know? (Rev. ed.). New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2009.
Morris, Kathleen E. Speaking in Whispers. 2nd edn, New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 1996.
White, Marvin K. Last Rights. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2004.
White, Marvin K. nothin' ugly fly: poems. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2004.
White, Marvin K. Our Name Be Witness. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2011.
White, Marvin K. Status. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2011.
Bibliography compiled by Ruby Stefanucci.
Browne, Alan. Forty-deuce: A Play. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.
Cooper, Dennis. Idols. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1979.
Cooper, Dennis. Safe. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984.
Dillard, Gavin. Notes from a Marriage: Love Poems. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.
Esser, Kevin. Streetboy Dreams: A Novel. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press/Calamus Books, 1983.
Fisher, Peter. Dreamlovers. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1980.
Gooch, Brad. Jailbait and Other Stories. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984.
Henley, Clark. The Butch Manual: The Current Drag and How to Do It. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1982.
Kikel, Rudy. Lasting Relations: Poems. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984.
Peters, Robert. What Dillinger Meant to Me. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.
Picano, Felice. The Deformity Lover and Other Poems. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1978.
Picano, Felice. An Asian Minor: The True Story of Ganymede. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1981.
Picano, Felice. A True Likeness: Lesbian and Gay Writing Today. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1980.
Wilson, Doric. A Perfect Relationship: A Domestic Comedy in Two Acts. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.
Wilson, Doric. Two Plays: A Perfect Relatioship and The West Street Gang. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1979.
Editor's Note: Sea Horse Press, run by Felice Picano published A True Likeness: Lesbian and Gay Writing Today, an anthology of contemporary lesbian and gay writers. I include the bibliography here to demonstrate connections between gay male writers and publishers and lesbian writers and publishers.
Albert, Mimi. The Small Singer. San Lorenzo, CA : Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.
alta. Deluged with dudes: platonic & erotic love poems to men. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1989.
alta. If we know where the poems come from why don't we just go there: a collection of poems from "Women Making Poetry". San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.
alta. Letters to women. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1974, 1976, 1979.
alta. No Visible Means of Support. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971.
alta. Song of the Wife; Song of the Mistress. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971. (also listed as: alta and Martha Krech. Song of the wife. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971.)
alta. Theme & variations: longpoem. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.
alta. The Vow: For Anne Hutchinson. San Leandro, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1974
alta. Remember our fire; poetry by women. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1970.
Arcana, Judith. Our Mothers' Daughters. Berkeley, CA Shameless Hussy Press, 1979.
Buyze, Jean. The Tenth Muse: Women Poets before 1806 a rediscovery of 540 women poets lost to history. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1980.
Byrd, Barthy. Home front: women and Vietnam. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1986.
Calamity Jane (1852-1903). Calamity Jane's letters to her daughter. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.
Erens, Pamela. Fight for freedom: a slave girl's escape. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1978.
Eriksen, James Adam. Mother racoon and family. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1978.
Griffin, Susan. Dear Sky. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971, 1973.
Griffin, Susan. The Sink: [six short stories] San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1974.
Hernandez, Felicia. I don't know you but I love you-write me a letter? Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1978.
Jaffe, Jennifer. My special father and me. Berkeley, CA : Shameless Hussy Press, 1981 [Trumansburg, NY: Distributed by Crossing Press].
Krech, Martha. Remember Our Fire: Poetry by Women (& 3 men). San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1970-1979?.
Krysl, Marilyn. Diana Lucifera. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1983.
LaTempa, Susan and Susan Boyd. New plays by women. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1979.
Lifshin, Lyn. The Old House on the Croton. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1973.
Maas, James. Fifteen past seventy: counsel from my elders. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1980.
Maas, James. Speaking of Friends: The Variety of Man-to-Man Friendships. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy press, 1985.
Mackey, Mary. Immersion. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1972.
Mariah, Paul. Personae non gratae: [poems]. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971, 1973, 1976.
Meltzer, Amanda. The Worlds Tiniest Dog. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975, 1982.
Murray, Judith. Leila. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.
Nations, Opal L. A Pen, Some Paper, Pen & Paper. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.
Noda, Barbara. Strawberries. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1979.
Owings, Alison. The Wander Woman's Phrasebook. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1987.
Pamela. Monster Coloring Book. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1977
Parker, Pat. Child of Myself. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971.
Pepin, Yvonne. Cabin Journal. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1984.
Pepin, Yvonne. Three Summers: A Journal. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1986.
Ratch, Jerry. Clown Birth. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.
Ratch, Jerry. Puppet X. San Lorenzo, CA : Shameless Hussy Press, 1973, 1976.
Sand, George (1804-1876) and Frank Hunter Potter. The haunted pool: (la mare au diable). San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.
Shange, Ntozake. For colored girls who have considered suicide, when the rainbow is enuf. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.
Shange, Ntozake. Sassafrass. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976, 1977.
Simon, John Oliver. Neither of us can break the other's hold: poems for my father. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1981.
Simon, Kia. The Wise Queen. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1977.
Simon, Kia, Lorelei Bosserman, and Edith Hodgkinson. & everybody is a children. San Lorenzo, Calif. : Shameless Hussy Press, 1974.
Thomas, Heather Smith. Watch out, brother, I'm here! [poems]. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971.
Travis, Nancy. April & June. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1987.
Todd, Gail. Family Way. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.
Yamada, Mitsuye. Camp notes and other poems. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.
Yamada, Mitsuye. Camp notes and other poems. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1986.
Wells, Jess. A herstory of prostitution in western Europe. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1982.
Shameless Hussy Review. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press 1974-?.
Ovid, and Remo Giomini. Heroidas. 2nd edn., Sister Vision Press/ Roma, Italy: A. Signorelli, 1963.
Brand, Dionne. Earth Magic : Poetry for Young People. Sister Vision Press, 1983.
Mandiela, Ahdri Zhina.Speshal Rikwes. Sister Vision Press, 1985.
Bannerji, Himani. Doing Time: Poems. Sister Vision Press, 1986.
Ford-Smith, Honor, and Sistren (Organization). Lionheart Gal: Life Stories of Jamaican Women. Sister Vision Press, 1987.
Haniff, Nesha Z. Blaze a Fire: Significant Contributions of Caribbean Women. Sister Vision Press, 1988.
Gupta, Nila, and Makeda Silvera. The Issue Is ’Ism : Women of Colour Speak Out. Sister Vision Press, 1989.
Silvera, Makeda. Silenced: Talks with Working Class Caribbean Women About Their Lives and Struggles as Domestic Workers in Canada. 2nd rev. edn., Sister Vision Press, 1989.
Silvera, Makeda. Growing up Black: A Resource Manual for Black Youths. Sister Vision Press, 1989.
Braithwaite, Rella, and Tessa Benn-Ireland. Some Black Women: Profiles of Black Women in Canada. Sister Vision Press, 1990.
Espinet, Ramabai, and CAFRA (Association). Creation Fire: An Anthology of Caribbean Women Poets. Sister Vision Press, 1990.
Maracle, Sylvia. Onkwehonwe-Neha. Sister Vision Press, 1990.
Sears, Djanet. Afrika Solo. Sister Vision Press, 1990.
Bannerji, Himani. Coloured Pictures. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
De Haarte, Norma. Guyana Betrayal. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Espinet, Ramabai. Nuclear Seasons : Poems. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
International Task Force on Literacy. Words Are What I’ve Got: Writings by Learners from All around the World during International Literacy Year. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Keeshig, Lenore. Bineshiinh Dibaajmowin = Bird Talk. Illustrated by Polly Keeshig-Tobias, Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Maguire, Elizabeth Dianne Rose Kelvin. Dry Land Tourist and Other Stories. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Mandiela, Ahdri Zhina. Dark Diaspora--in Dub: A Dub Theatre Piece. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Prince, Althea, and Sasso. How the East Pond Got Its Flowers: A Story. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Silvera, Makeda. Piece of My Heart : A Lesbian of Colour Anthology. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Silvera, Makeda. Remembering G and other stories. Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Adisa, Opal Palmer. Tamarind and Mango Women: Poetry. Sister Vision Press, 1992.
Sister Vision: Black Women and Women of Colour Press. Spring/Fall Catalogue 1992/93. Sister Vision Press, 1992.
Bannerji, Himani. Returning the Gaze : Essays on Racism, Feminism and Politics. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Fife, Connie. The Colour of Resistance. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Harper, Maddie, and Carlos Freire. “Mush-Hole”: Memories of a Residential School. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Henderson, Peta, and Ann Bryn Houghton. Rising up: Life Stories of Belizean Women. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Montague, Masani. Dread Culture: A Rastawoman’s Story. Sister Vision Press, 1993.
Camper, Carol. Miscegenation Blues: Voices of Mixed Race Women. Sister Vision Press, 1994.
Gaikezheyongai, Sally, and Polly Keeshig-Tobias. The Seven Fires: An Ojibway Prophecy. Sister Vision Press, 1994.
Lee, C. Allyson, and Makeda Silvera. Pearls of Passion : A Treasury of Lesbian Erotica. Sister Vision Press, 1994.
Maracle, Sylvia, and Carlos Freire. Onkwehonwe-Neha : “Our Ways”. Sister Vision Press, 1994.
Bisexual Anthology Collective. Plural Desires: Writing Bisexual Women’s Realities. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Finney, Nikky. Rice: Poems. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Mordecai, Pamela. De Man: A Performance Poem. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Parameswaran, Uma, and University of Winnipeg. Names Resonant and Sweet: An Overview of South Asian Canadian Women’s Writing. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Silvera, Makeda. Black Girl Talk. Sister Vision Press, 1995.
Degale, Laurice. Down to Earth Jamaican Cooking. Sister Vision Press, 1996.
Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore, et al. Emma & the Trees = Emma Minwaah Mtigooh. Sister Vision Press, 1996.
Lim-Hing, Sharon. The Very inside: An Anthology of Writing by Asian and Pacific Islander Lesbian and Bisexual Women. Sister Vision Press, 1997.
Chow, Jose. Sunday Sunday. Sister Vision Press, 1998.
Cooper, Afua. Utterances and Incantations : Women, Poetry and Dub. Sister Vision Press, 1999.
Hernandez-Ramdwar, Camille, et al. Mercury Retrograde. Sister Vision Press, 1999.
Silvera, Makeda, and Stephanie Martin. Sapodilla: The Sister Vision Book of Lesbian Poetry. Sister Vision Press, 2000.
Compiled by Ruby Stefanucci
Andrews, Bruce. Edge. Washington, D.C., Printed by Arry Press for Some of Us Press, 1973.
Baker, Susan. "She's a Jim-dandy." Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1970.
Baker, Susan. Snapshots at Connecticut and K. Washington, DC: Some Of Us Press, 2000.
Cox, Ed. Blocks. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1973.
Dlugos, Tim. High There: Poems. Washington, DC, Some of Us Press 1973.
Dreyer, Lynne. Lamplights Used to Feed the Deer. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1974.
Edgcomb, Gabrielle Simon. Moving Violation. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1973.
Gibson, Margaret. Lunes: Poems. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1973.
Holland, William. How Us White Folks Discovered Rock and Roll. Washington, DC, Some of Us Press, 1973.
Inman, P. What Happens Next. Washington, D.C., Some of Us Press, 1974.
Joselow, Beth. Ice Fishing. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1974.
Lally, Lee. These Days. Washington, DC: Diana Press for Some Of Us Press, 1972.
Lally, Michael. The South Orange Sonnets. Washington, DC: Some Of Us Press, 1972.
Randolph, Leonard. Scar Tissue. Washington, DC: Corporate Press for Some Of Us Press, 1973.
Slater, Robert. A Rumor of Inhabitants. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press 1974
Schuchat, Simon. Blue Skies. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1973
Winch, Terence. Boning Up. Washington, DC: Some Of Us Press, 1972.
Zahniser, Ed. The Ultimate Double Play. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1974.
Editor Note: Some of Us Press is not a lesbian or feminist press as the others in this archive, but the publication of Lee Lally's chapbook in conjunction with Diana Press sparked my interest in the press. There are a number of chapbooks by women on the list as well that I have note reviewed. There is some information about Lee Lally available on this blog: http://douglangsdcpoetryblog.blogspot.com/2007/08/lee-lally.html
I would be happy to receive email correspondence from anyone with information about Some of Us Press.
Chronological Bibliography
Spinsters Ink under stewardship of founders, Judith McDaniel and Maureen Brady
McDaniel, Judith. Reconstituting the World: The Poetry and Vision of Adrienne Rich. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1978.
Brady, Maureen. Give Me Your Good Ear. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1979.
Lorde, Audre. The Cancer Journals. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1980.
Strongin, Lynn. Bones & Kim. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1980.
McDaniel, Judith. Elegy from a Hill in Hebron. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1981.
Sjoholm, Barbara. Ambitious Women: A Novel. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink 1982.
Spinsters Ink under stewardship of Sherry Thomas
Tsui, Kitty. The Words of a Woman Who Breathes Fire. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1983.
Allen, Paula Gunn. The woman Who Owned the Shadows. San Francisco: Spinsters, Ink, 1983.
Swallow, Jean. Out from Under: Sober Dykes and Our Friends. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1983.
Macdonald, Barbara and Cynthia Rich. Look Me in the Eye: Old women, Aging, and Ageism. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1983.
Loulan, JoAnn. Lesbian Sex. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1984.
McDaniel, Judith. Winter Passage. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1984.
Kuzwayo, Ellen. Call Me Woman. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Deming, Barbara and Joan E. Biren. Prisons That Could Not Hold. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Grahn, Judy. The Highest Apple: Sappho and the Lesbian Poetic Tradition. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. We Say We Love Each Other. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Barnes, Liz. Hand-Me-Downs: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Pies, Cheri. Considering Parenthood: A Workbook for Lesbians. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Spinsters Ink co-operating with Aunt Lute Books under stewardship of Sherry Thomas and Joan Pinkvoss
Cameron, Anne. The Journey. Spinsters Ink, 1986.
Gordon, Rebecca. Letters from Nicaragua. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1986.
Swallow, Jean. Leave a Light On for Me: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1986.
Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Child of Her People. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Hall, Sandi. Wingwomen of Hera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Lorde, Audre. The Cancer Journals. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987 (reprint edition).
Loulan, JoAnn. Lesbian Passion: Loving Ourselves and Each Other. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Scott, Kesho, Cherry Muhanji, and Egyirba High. Tight Spaces. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Due, Linnea A. High and Outside. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
McRae, Diana. All the Muscle You Need: An Eliza Pirex Mystery. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Thompson, Karen and Julie Andrzejewski. Why Can’t Sharon Kowalski Come Home? San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Velez, Diana Lourdes. Reclaiming Medusa: Short Stories by Contemporary Puerto Rican Women. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Barr, Nevada. Bittersweet. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
De Monteflores, Carmen. Singing Softly/Cantando Bajito: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Pjerrou, Mary. Coz: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Rich, Cynthia. Desert Years: Undreaming the American Dream. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Swan, Bonita. Thirteen Steps: An Empowerment Process for Women. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie. My Jewish Face & Other Stories. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Kwasny, Melissa. Modern Daughters and the Outlaw West: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Loulan, JoAnn. The Lesbian Erotic Dance: Butch, Femme, Androgyny, and Other Rhythms. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Spinsters Ink under stewardship of Sherry Thomas
Butler, Sandra and Barbara Rosenblum. Cancer in Two Voices. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Kensington, Claire. Elise. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
MacLeod, Ann. Being Someone: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Morell, Mary. Final Session: A Mystery. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Oleson, Amy. Love & Memory: A Novel: San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Sang, Barbara and Joyce Warshow. Lesbians at Midlife: The Creative Transition/An Anthology. San Francisco, CA: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Due, Linnea A. Life Savings: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1992.
Kringle, Karen. Vital Ties: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1992.
Pincus, Elizabeth. The Two-Bit Tango: A Mystery. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1992.
Spinsters Ink under stewardship of Joan Drury
Sang, Barbara and Joyce Warshow. Lesbians at Midlife: The Creative Transition/An Anthology. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
MacDonald, Barbara and Cynthia Rich. Look Me In the Eye: Old Women, Aging, and Ageism. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Drury, Joan M. The Other Side of Silence. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Kwasny, Melissa. Trees Call for What They Need. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
McDermid, Val. Conferences are Murder: The Fourth Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Morell, Mary. Final Rest: A Mystery. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Moore, Madeline. As You Desire. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Pincus, Elizabeth. The Solitary Twist: A Nell Fury Mystery. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Saracino, Mary. No Matter What: A Novel. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Brady, Maureen. Give Me Your Good Ear. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
Frye, Ellen. Amazon Story Bones. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
McAllester, Melanie. The Lessons. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
Reddy, Maureen T. and Martha Roth. Mother Journeys: Feminist Write about Mothering. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
Stinson, Susan. Fat Girl Dances with Rocks. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
Pincus, Elizabeth. The Hangdog Hustle: A Nell Fury Mystery. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1995.
McDermid, Val. Common Murder: The Second Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1995.
Stinson, Susan. Martha Moody: A Novel. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1995.
Zipter, Yvonne. Ransacking the Closet. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1995.
Butler, Sandra and Barbara Rosenblum. Cancer in Two Voices. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
Drury, Joan M. Silent Words. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
Hartman, Cherry. The Well-Heeled Murders. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
McDermid, Val. Booked for Murder: The Fifth Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
Roberts, Shelly. Roberts’ Rules of Lesbian Living. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
Roth, Martha. Goodness. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
McDermid, Val. Deadline for Murder: The Third Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Bache, Ellyn. The Activist’s Daughter. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Park, Therese. A Gift of the Emperor. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Roberts, Shelly. Roberts’ Rules of Lesbian Break-ups. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Romo-Carmona, Mariana. Living at Night. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Campbell, Helen. Turnip Blues. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Drury, Joan M. Closed in Silence. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
McDermid, Val. Report for Murder. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Roberts, Shelly. Roberts’ Rules of Lesbian Dating. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Swallow, Jean. A Woman Determined. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
McDermid, Val. Conferences are Murder: The Fourth Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999.
Michener, Marian. Dreaming Under a Ton of Lizards. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999.
Rodgers, Joni. Sugar Land: A Novel. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999.
Saracino, Mary. Finding Grace: A Novel. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999. (2000)
Labovitz, Trudy. Ordinary Justice. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999.
Dalglish, Cass. Nin. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
Drury, Joan M. Those Jordan Girls. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
Labovitz, Trudy. Deadly Embrace. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
McDermid, Val. Booked for Murder: The Fifth Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
Windrath, Helen. They Wrote the Book: Thirteen Women Mystery Writers Tell All. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
Gearhart, Sally Miller. The Magister. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2002.
Dykewomon, Elana. Moon Creek Road. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2004.
Mason, Anita. Perfection. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2004.
Jordan, Jennifer L. A Safe Place to Sleep: A Kristin Ashe Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Jordan, Jennifer L. Existing Solutions: A Kristin Ashe Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Jordan, Jennifer L. Unbearable Losses. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Saint Marie, Francine. The Secret Keeping. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Spinisters Ink under stewardship of Katherine V. Forrest
Merchant, Jane. French Postcards. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Taylor, Sheila Ortiz. Outrageous. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Cooper, Blayne. The Last Train Home. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2008.
Brownworth, Victoria A. Day of the Dead. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2009.
Moore, Mary Carroll. Qualities of Light. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2009.
Harris, C.M. The Children of Mother Glory. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2009.
Salvatore, Diane. Benediction. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2009.
Cordova, Jeanne. When We Were Outlaws: A Memoir of Love & Revolution. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2011.
Manahan, Nancy and Rosemary Curb. Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2013.
Leach, Marlene. The Inscrutable Mr. Elizabeth. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2013.
Spinsters/Aunt Lute distributed Joan E Biren’s Making a Way: Lesbians Out Front, published by Glad Hag Books (Washington, DC, 1987).
Whitbeck, Caroline. Our Classical Heritage. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2007.
de la Torre, Mónica. Talk Shows. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2007.
Munson, Peggy. Pathogenesis. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2008.
Rooney, Kathleen. Oneiromance. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2008.
Bozek, Jessica. The Bodyfeel Lexicon. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2009.
Crawford, Marisa. The Haunted House. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2010.
Tamayo, Jennifer. Red Missed Aches Read Missed Aches Red Mistakes Read Mistakes. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2011.
de la Torre, Mónica. Four. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2012. (collection of 4 chapbooks; Mariposa Negra, Shift, Photos While U Wait, Lines to Undo Linearity)
Arrieu-King, Cynthia. Manifest. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2013.
Heim, Stefania. A Table That Goes on for Miles. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2014.
Parker, Morgan. Other People's Comfort Keeps Me Up at Night. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2015.
Nunes, Jenn Marie. And/Or. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2015.
Knorr, Alyse. Mega-City Redux. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2016.
Knorr, Alyse. Copper Mother. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2016.
Curry, Crystal. But I Have Realized It. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2016.
Crawford, Marisa. Reversible. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2017.
Mathieu, Irène. Grand Marronage. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2019.
Case, Kristen. Principles of Economics. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2019.
Andrews, Hanna. Slope Move. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2020.
Guzman, Jessica. Adelante. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2020.
Franklin, Jordan E. when the signals come home. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2021.
Blitshteyn, Marina. i take your voice. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2022.
Muenz, Olivia. I Feel Fine. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2023.
Khoury, Jill. earthwork. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2024.
Agosín, Marjorie and Emma S. Nolan. Silencio que se Deja Oir: Poemas. Ann Arbor, MI: McNaughton & Gunn (Distributed by Third Woman Press, Bloomington, IN.)
Alarcón, Norma. Chicana Critical Issues. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1993.
Alarcón, Norma. Hispanic Women: International Perspectives. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1984.
Alarcón, Norma and Ana Castillo. The Sexuality of Latinas. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1989, 1993.
Alarcón, Norma. Southwest/Midwest. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1984.
Alarcón, Norma. Texas and More. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1986.
Arrizon, Alicia and Lillian Manzor. Latinas on Stage. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 2000.
Cisneros, Sandra. My Wicked, Wicked Ways. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1987.
Cisneros, Sandra. My Wicked, Wicked Ways. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1992.
Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung. Dictée. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1995, 1982.
Corpi, Lucha. Máscaras. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1997.
Corpi, Lucha and Catherine Rodriguez-Nieto. Variaciones Sobre Una Tempestad = Variations on a Storm. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1990.
Curiel, Barbara Brinson. Speak to Me from Dreams. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1989.
Dominguez, Delia. The Sun Looks Back. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1984.
Herrera-Sobek, María and Helena María Viramontes. Chicana (w)rites: On Word and Film. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press 1995.
Kang, Hyun Ti and Norma Alarcón. Writing Self, Writing Nation: A Collection of Essays on Dictée by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1994.
Moraga, Cherríe and Gloria Anzaldúa. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 2001, 2002.
Trujillo, Carla Mari. Chicana Lesbians: The Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1991.
Trujillo, Carla Mari. Living Chicana Theory. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1998.
Pérez, Emma. Gulf Dreams. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1996.
Parrenas, Celine Salazar. Smell This 2. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1991.
Umpierre, Luz Maria. En el País de las Maravillas: Kempis Puertoriqueño. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1982.
Umpierre, Luz Maria. The Margarita Poems. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1987.
Umpierre, Luz Maria. –Y Otra Desgracias = And Other Misfortunes. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1985.
Woodruff, Joan Leslie. Neighbors. Berkeley, CA Third Woman Press, 1993.
Zavala, Iris M. Chiliagony. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1984.
Editor’s Note: It appears as though Third Woman Press published a journal titled, Third World Journal. Perhaps edited by Norma Alarcon, two issues are listed in WorldCat, Third World Journal 2: Southwest/Midwest and Third World Journal 3: Texas and More.
Topside Press Bibliography
Aoki, Ryka. He Mele a Hilo: A Hilo Song. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Binnie, Imogen. Nevada. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2013.
Burke, Cheryl. My Awesome Place: The Autobiography of Cheryl B. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Dunham, Kelli. Freak of Nurture. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2013.
Fitzpatrick, Cat. Glamourpuss. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.
Fitzpatrick, Cat, and Casey Plett, eds. Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Kokumo. Reacquainted with Life. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.
Lamb, Sybil. I’ve Got a Time Bomb: A Novel. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Latini, Lilith. Improvise, Girl, Improvise. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.
Légar, Tom and Riley MacLeod, eds. The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Plett, Casey. A Safe Girl to Love: Stories. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Theonia, Charles. Which One is the Bridge. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.
Ulanday Barrett, Kay. When the Chant Comes. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.
Vile, Tyler. Never Coming Home. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.
Bibliography compiled by Bailey Hosfelt.
Wikipedia entry on Topside Press
Aoki, Ryka. He Mele a Hilo: A Hilo Song. New York, NY: Topside Signature, 2014.
Aoki, Ryka, Imogen Binnie, Dane Edidi, Merritt K., Jeanne Thornton, Red Durkin, Emma Caterine, and Bahar
Akyurtlu. Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Roads. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Binnie, Imogen. Nevada. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2013.
Burke, Cheryl. My Awesome Place: The Autobiography of Cheryl B. New York, NY: Topside Signature, 2012.
Dunham, Kelli. Freak of Nurture: Essays and Stories. New York, NY: Topside Signature, 2013.
Fitzpatrick, Cat. Glamourpuss. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.
Fitzpatrick, Cat, and Casey Plett, eds. Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
Writers. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017. (Click here to see a bibliography of the table of contents.)
Kokumo. Reacquainted with Life. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.
Lamb, Sybil. I’ve Got a Time Bomb: A Novel. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Latini, Lilith. Improvise, Girl, Improvise. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.
Légar, Tom and Riley MacLeod, eds. The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard. New York, NY:
Topside Press, 2012. (Click here to see a bibliography of the table of contents.)
Plett, Casey. A Safe Girl to Love: Stories. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Theonia, Charles. Which One is the Bridge. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.
Ulanday Barrett, Kay. When the Chant Comes. New York, NY: Topside Heliotrope, 2016.
Vile, Tyler. Never Coming Home. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.
Bibliography compiled by Ash Lev.
Addams, Emma. “Thieves and Lovers” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
Writers, 260-278. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Aoki, Ryka. “The Gift” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers, 393-405.
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Arrand, Colette. “Themyscira” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
Writers, 193-199. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Avery, Sadie. “Using A Treadmill, You Can Run Until Exhaustion Without Moving” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere:
Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers, 166-176. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Bauer, Beckett K. “Notes From A Hunter Boy” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers, 177-192. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Binnie, Imogen. “Gamers” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
337-346. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Bombardier, Cooper Lee. “After The Big One” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers, 140-165. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Bryony, Paige. “Control Shift Down” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
Writers, 126-139. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Buchbinder, Nat. “Kid Ghost” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
380-392. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Devrim, Ayşe. “No Comment” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
102-125. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Edidi, Dane Figueroa. “Matchmaker” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
Writers, 279-294. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Edwards, RJ. “What Cheer” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
30-52. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Fae, Aisling. “Satan, Are You There? It’s Me, Laura” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers, 53-66. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Gimpelevich, Calvin. “Rent, Don’t Sell” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
Writers, 79-101. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Lamb, Sybil. “Cybervania” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
200-224. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Liang, Bridget. “Delicate Bodies” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
9-29. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Lovebomb, Janey. “Under The Rainbow” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
Writers, 225-252. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Nieto, Tristan Alice. “Imago” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
347-379. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Page, Morgan M. “Visions” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
406-413. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Salah, Trish. “It Can Grow!!!” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
67-78. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Téllez, M. “Heat Death of Western Human Arrogance” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers, 253-259. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Thornton, Jeanne. “Angels Are Here To Help You” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers, 414-438. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Williams-Childs, Brendan. “Schwaberow, Ohio” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers, 295-310. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Worth, Kaj. “It’s Called Fashion” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
311-336. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Zall, Rachel K. “Control” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
1-8. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
compiled by Ash Lev
Aoki, Ryka. “To The New World” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 77-90. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Bigelow, Susan Jane. “Ramona’s Demons” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
341-377. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Binnie, Imogen. “I Met A Girl Named Bat Who Met Jeffrey Palmer” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the
Transgender Vanguard, 13-34. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Connelly, Sherilyn. “Malediction And Pee Play” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
399-418. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Cook, M. Robin. “Birthrights” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 459-472. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
DeLine, Elliott. “Dean And Teddy” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 378-398. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Diamond, Terence. “Tomboy Of The Western World” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender
Vanguard, 234-256. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Doyle, Alice. “Two Girls” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 296-301. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Drew, R. “The Cafe” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 91-113. New York, NY:
Topside Press, 2012.
Durkin, Red. “A Roman Incident” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 257-266. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Edwards, RJ. “Black Holes” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 114-128. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Gimpelevich, Calvin. “Runaways” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 302-321. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Halwitz, Adam. “Power Out” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 495-508. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Harris, Riley Calais. “Entries” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 482-494. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Heimpel, Noel Arthur. “War With Waking Up” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
419-450. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Ira, Stephen. “To Do List For Morning” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 322-329.
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Jarboe, K. Tait. “Greenhorn” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 173-210. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Johnson, A. Raymond. “Tammy Faye” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 211-224.
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Kaufman, MJ. “A Short History of My Genders” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
337-340. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Maroon, Everett. “Cursed” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 451-458. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
McEvilly, Madison Lynn. “Stones Stand Still” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
291-295. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Nelson, Katherine Scott. “Winning The Tiger” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
330-336. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Nova, Cyd. “An Exquisite Vulnerability” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 267-274.
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Ostrowsky, Donna. “The Queer Experiment” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
225-233. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Pickle, Oliver. “Ride Home Under A Thunderstorm” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender
Vanguard, 473-481. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Plett, Casey. “Other Women” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 129-172. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Sickels, Carter. “Saving” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 35-76. New York, NY:
Topside Press, 2012.
Whitworth, Mikki. “Masks Of A Superhero” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
275-290. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Compiled by Ash Lev
King, Martha. Women & Children First. Brooklyn, NY: Two and Two Press, 1975.
Lewis, Harry and Marc Shanker. Spring. Brooklyn, NY: Two & Two Press, 1975.
Sherman, Susan. America. Brooklyn, NY: Two & Two Press, 1974.
Sherman, Susan. Women Poems, Love Poems. Brooklyn, NY: Two and Two Press, 1975.
Greenspan, Judy. To lesbians everywhere: poems. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1976.
We are all lesbians: A Poetry Anthology. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1973.
Winant, Fran. Dyke Jacket: Poems and Songs. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1975, 1976.
Winant, Fran. Goddess of lesbian dreams: poems and songs. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1980.
Winant, Fran. Looking at Women: Poems. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1971.
Grier, Barbara. The Possibilities are Staggering. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1976.
Description from Flyer: the text of a speech delivered before the 2nd Annual Lesbian Writers Conference, Chicago, Sept. 19, 1975 by Barbara Grier (Gene Damon)
Ms. Grier, principal compiler of The Lesbian in Literature and for several years editor of The Ladder, talks about the herstory of that magazine, the future of lesbian writing and women controlled presses. The question and answer session following the talk is also included.
Available Summer, 1976
16 pges
65 cents
Pope, Penelope. The Enclosed Garden. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1977.
Description from Flyer: Ms. Pope is in her early thirties, Chicgo born, and educated in parochial schools. She took her B. A. in English Literature and Philosophy from Mundelein College. She has worked in the Civil Rights Movement and has been active with lesbian and gay publications and organizations.
She thinks of herself as a feminist first and works toward a woman’s idiom in her writing. She sees ours as a period of transition toward an achievable liberation and is writing for that time in our herstory and for those people who have already achieved this liberation in their own lives
Available FAll, 1976
64 pages
Taylor, Valerie. For my Granddaughters. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1974.
Description from Flyer: the text of a speech delivered before the 1st Annual Lesbian Writers Conference, Chicago, September 13, 1974 by Valerie Taylor
Ms. Taylor, author of several lesbian novels offers a capsule herstory of lesbian literature
16 pages
50 cents
Taylor, Valerie and Jeannette Howard Foster. Two Women: the poetry of Valerie Taylor and Jeannette Foster. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1976.
Description from Flyer: Jeannette Foster, now eighty, resides in a nursing home in Arkansas and lives in the timeless world of literature. She has retained the wit, lucidity and passionate dedication to books which commended her to thousands of undergraduates during her long career as a university librarian. In her poems, written between 1916 and 1938, readers will find an intense love of nature as well as a love of women which has room for both idealism and passion.
Dr. Foster was one of Kinsey’s first librarians and in that capacity had access to a vast store of unpublished material which undoubtedly furnished some of the data for her masterpiece, Sex Variant Women in Literature. This definitive work, out of print for many years, will soon be re-issued by Diana Press of Baltimore.
Valerie Taylor set out on the path to personal liberation at the age of forty by ending a disastrous marriage and undertaking the total support and upbringing of three sons. She was a rural teacher and office worker from 1956 to 1975 was employed in the publishing industry.
A feminist, peace activist and an advocate of gay liberation, she also spends considerable time worrying about the problem of feeding the world’s population. She has published seven lesbian novels, two other books and a sizeable body of short material. Now retired and living in the East, she is working on a novel about two women over sixty—love at any age!
Ms. Taylor’s influences range from Edna St. Vincent Millay through Gertrude Stein to Denise Levertov. The verses in this volumer were written between 1940 and 1975.
With photographs by Eunice Militante
64 pages
Kuda, Marie. Women Loving Women: A select and annotated bibliography of women loving women in literature. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1975.
Approximately two hundred entries covering works published from 1914 to 1974, with annotations.
Various Authors. Women Loving, Women Writing.
an anthology of poetry and prose from the 2nd Annual Lesbian Writers Conference, 1975
Contains material submitted from forty of the one hundred sixty women from all over the country who attended LWC II in Chicago, Setpember 19th through 21st, 1975.
Contributors include high school dropouts and Ph.D.s with a variety of job skills, their ages run from 18 to 62 and their work ranges from the angry to the erotic with some song lyrics, workshop reports and an allegory for children.
Hodges, Beth. Print is our medium : the text of a speech delivered before the 3rd Annual Lesbian Writers Conference Chicago, September 17, 1976. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1977.
Chesman, Andrea and Polly Joan. Directory of Women Writing. Newfield, NY: Women Writing Press, 1977.
Colbert, Alison. Let the Circle Be Unbroken: Poems. New York, NY: Women Writing Press, 1976.
Joan, Polly. No apologies. New York, NY: Women Writing Press, 1975.
Berkeley Music Collective songbook. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1975.
Gordon. Ann. Woman, carved of sun. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Grahn, Judy. Edward the dyke: and other poems. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1971. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Grahn, Judy. Elephant poem coloring book. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1972.
Grahn, Judy. A woman is talking to death; poems. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Grahn, Judy; illustrations by Wendy Cadden. The common woman. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1979.
Grahn, Judy. The common woman. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1973, 1980. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Isabell, Sharon. Yesterday's lessons. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974, 1976.
Kim, Willyce. Eating artichokes. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1972. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Lesbians speak out. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. (2nd edition, 1975.)
Molloy, Alice. In other words : notes on the politics and morale of survival [with comments and word trips, and excerpts from things I was reading during that time, that held my attention]. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1980.
Parker, Pat. Child of myself. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1972, 1974. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Parker, Pat. Pit stop. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1973, 1975. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Richards, Dell. The rape journal. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Save Joann Little. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1976. The book is available for viewing here: http://www.lesbianpoetryarchive.org/node/291
Shelley, Martha. Crossing the DMZ. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Digitized by Catherine Kelly and shared with the Lesbian Poetry Archive in 2021.)
Shipley, Donna and Karen Sjöholm. Six ears of corn: poetry. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1975. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Sing a Battle Song: Poetry by Women in the Weather Underground. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 197?.
Wilson, Carol. Lesbians speak out. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974.
Woman to woman : a book of poems and drawings by women. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1970.
Women against electric shock treatment. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1970-78?. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
The women's gun pamphlet: a primer on handguns. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1975. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
Xarai, Max. Witch dream: matriarchal comix. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1976. The comix is available for viewing here: http://www.lesbianpoetryarchive.org/node/292
Zelima. Soy: poems. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)
The following books were originally archived at Deep Oakland by Stephanie Young:
Ann Gordon, Woman, Carved of Sun
Judy Grahn, Common Woman Poems
Judy Grahn, Edward the Dyke
Judy Grahn, Woman Is
Willyce Kim, Eating Artichokes
Pat Parker, Child of Myself
Pat Parker, Pit Stop
Dell Richards, The Rape Journals
Donna Shipley, Six Ears of Corn
Women's Gun Pamphlet
Women Against Electric Shock Therapy
Zelima, Soy: Poems
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Cheney, Joyce. Lesbian Land. Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1985.
Hart, Nett. Spirited Lesbians: Lesbian Desire as Social Action. Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1989.
Lanning, Lee, and Nett Hart. Ripening: An Almanac of Lesbian Lore and Vision (volume 1). Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1981.
Lanning, Lee, and Nett Hart. Dreaming: An Almanac of Lesbian Lore and Vision (volume 2). Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1983.
Lanning, Lee, and Nett Hart. Awakening: An Almanac of Lesbian Lore and Vision (volume 3). Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1981-1987.